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Health and Fitness

Why You Should Avoid Self Physiotherapy at Home

Whenever you open Facebook and YouTube, several videos and posts on home remedies to control any problem will crowd your timeline. The titles of the posts are so lucrative that people can barely skip them. Most of them try those at home. Though many of them are harmless; a few can be quite risky; especially when it comes to some specialized field like physiotherapy.

Barefoot Physio Brisbane explains that physiotherapy is something that needs a thorough understanding of the musculoskeletal structure and proper knowledge about the outcome of every movement of our body. Without specific training, one should not do the therapy at home. They must be done under the supervision of a trained physiotherapist. Instead of watching those videos, you should go for an physiotherapists in Gurgaon to get professional and efficient guidance to get rid of the condition.  

Why you should avoid the video and posts on social media?

Most of the posts and videos on social media come from unauthenticated sources. The instructors don’t have proper knowledge of how to execute the steps. They just use the videos to get more fans and followers to their pages.

Most importantly, we don’t know the exact reason for any sort of aches and pain in our body. There are several reasons for back pain and you just cant assume the exact reason behind your condition. Unless you know the cause, it is not possible to detect it and get an effective result.

Moreover, if you do the therapies under any guidance or supervision, the risk of injuries is quite high. The muscles and tendons are quite sensitive and if you have any condition already existing in your body, then the problem will increase only. A simple movement can harm the joint and can lead to some severe injuries.

What you should do for physiotherapy from home?

If technology can mislead you, it can also guide you in the right direction as well. Online physiotherapy consultation is bliss for many people especially in the time of the Pandemic. There are many reputed physiotherapy centers that are providing online consultation to cater to the patients who can take the service from their respective homes.

The physiotherapists in those clinics are trained and professionals with experience. They will know how to cure your problem in the right way. The physiotherapist might give you some tests to know the underlying reason for the condition. Based on the findings, they will guide you to stay away from aches and pain.

They may instruct you on some physical exercises that will be helpful to treat the condition. You have to see their demo and follow them. It will be a one to one personal chat where you can tell them in detail all the problems you have. 

They will check your exercise session and suggest you in case you need any mending. The online consultation is an authentic way to get the treatment at your home without any fault so that you can return to your life quickly.    

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