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Why We All Have to Become Act Like a Politician

Politics doesn’t have to be dirty. The real purpose of politics was to gain the favor of the public and other powerful people for the better good of an organization, community, city, or nation. We politicians as liars who would say anything to get votes. However, that’s now how it was supposed to be. 

There are still many real politicians who use their experience and words to make this world a better place. We can help them in this cause by also becoming a politician. This article emphasizes the importance of this notion. 

To Raise Awareness About Serious Issues

The very first reason you should consider becoming a politician is to raise awareness about issues that most people don’t know about. For example, the current ruling political party might have some dark sides that the world doesn’t know about. 

No one is going to listen to you because you are nobody. Even if you are a celebrity, you won’t be listened to in matters of government and administration. In order to raise awareness, you have to show that you are involved in these matters and you know what you are talking about. 

It is also true that people don’t listen to every politician due to their image. It is up to you how you build credibility for your words. 

Write to See How Public Responds to Your Cause

Every politician has an agenda and causes that he brings before the public. You should also have a good cause that you want people to follow. There is no guarantee that people will like what you tell them and if they will follow it. This is why you should test the waters before you enter. 

You can write about the issue and see how the public responds to it. It would still be a risk if you get a backlash on your opinion. Write a good article and publish it on The Doe as an anonymous writer. This will keep your identity safe and give you another chance to try different causes. 

Straightforward Doesn’t Always Work

Many say that leaders just have to be honest. Instead of passing half the information, they should be brutally honest with their followers. However, this is not a good approach if you want to make a change. You can’t be straightforward if you want the people to like you. 

This is why you have to be political about everything you do. You have to market the good things you have done and what you are planning in the future. You should become a politician so you can learn to deal with people.  

You Have to Consider Your Audience

Another reason you have to be political with your words and actions is to win followers. You have to say things according to the language of your target audience. If you keep saying things as you see or feel, you might not be able to get people to like you at all. A politician always understands his audience and chooses words that will win their hearts.

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