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Health and Fitness

What Is Atrial Fibrillation Ablation?

Heart problems are incredibly common since heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, men, and people of different ethnic groups. Every 36 seconds, there’s 1 person who dies from it in the United States.

One common heart condition is known as atrial fibrillation ablation. You might wonder what it is and how it impacts your health.

This article will further look into what atrial fibrillation ablation is. Read on to explore this guide and better understand this treatment option today.

What Is Atrial Fibrillation Ablation?

Before exploring the different types of AFIB, it’s important to understand this treatment option for atrial fibrillation. This is where tiny scars are placed in your heart through cold energy or heat. It blocks abnormal electrical signals by doing this.

Flexible and thin tubes known as catheters are often used. They’re inserted through the arteries or veins to the heart. It can also be performed during cardiac surgery.

The Different Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Options

For cardiac surgical ablation, you have the option of convergent procedures, mini mazes, and maze procedures. The Convergent procedure is where the catheter is paired with a Mini maze.

Your surgeon will use radiofrequency ablation within the pulmonary vein. Then, they’ll make a cut under your breastbone in order to have the radiofrequency reach the outside of the heart.

If you’re having open-heart surgery, then you might have the Maze procedure. Small cuts will be made in the upper part of your heart.

A Mini Maze procedure is when you don’t need open-heart surgery. Your doctor will make small cuts between your ribs. They’ll then use a camera for catheter ablation.

While medicine is an option, it might stop working, or you might experience different symptoms. Cardiac ablation has the potential to cure AFIB or give you a more long-term treatment option.

The Benefits of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

If you let the atrial fibrillation symptoms go then you can increase your risk of a stroke, heart failure, or blood clots. Before your doctor offers you treatment options, they’ll go over your different risk factors.

Your doctor will take into account your chances of having heart disease, your cause of atrial fibrillation, and whether or not you have symptoms. Keep in mind that the various types of ablation will target different places in your heart.

Atrial Fibrillation Causes

Atrial fibrillation is when you have a rapid heart rate that’s irregular due to 2 upper chambers of your heart facing abnormal electrical signals. Potential causes can include coronary artery disease, lung disease, previous heart surgery, high blood pressure, viral infections, sleep apnea, and heart defects.

Better Understanding Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

After exploring this guide, you should better understand why atrial fibrillation ablation is a great option for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. Speak with your doctor to see if this is the right option for you.

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