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What Are Residential Window Tinting and Its Types

Having an attractive window to a house is always anyone’s dream. But if the same window doesn’t help in any way but be an attractive piece, then it’s a waste of money, isn’t it? Have you heard of window tinting in homes?

Many of you might think it’s unnecessary to get your home windows tinted. But did you know it’s beneficial in so many ways?

If you’re wondering how then I’ll help you get to it read on.

You obviously know what tinted windows are. However, if you think the tinted windows will make the rooms darker, then you are mistaken. It’s just a layer of protection from the harmful rays of the sun. Well, before we jump into the pros and cons of tinted windows, let’s see how many kinds of tinted windows do we have.

  • Metalized Film- This metalized film undergoes a wide range of metals affixed during the manufacturing process. Even though this protects and reduces you from excessive heat and harmful UV rays, it interferes with the signals or electronic gadgets like GPS, radio, cell phones, etc.
  • Dyed Film- This film, just like the metalized film, protects you and your family from harmful rays and absorbs heat. This film is made by adding a specific dye to a polymer film. Apart from absorbing the heat, it reduces glare and other kinds of light at night. Also, the dyed film protects the expensive furniture from fading.
  • Ceramic- This kind of tint is new in the market and utilises a Nano ceramic technology to absorb heat and offers the best clarity with the highest durability.
  • Hybrid- This kind of film is a combination of metalized and dyed film. This also absorbs heat and light, also can install yourself. You can use the guide that comes with or choose a professional’s help.
  • Crystalline- This window tint is much expensive than the list above, but protects you from 95% of UV rays and 60% of heat. This film consists of more than 200 layers of film with varying shade levels. Also, protects you from infrared and heat barrier without making the room darker.

Pros of Home Window Tinting:

  • Energy Efficient: As mentioned earlier, tinted windows at homekeep the cooling effects during the summers and protect any heat getting out of the house during the winters. If you have huge windows to enjoy the view but never tinted the window, then it’s time you take the step and see the difference.
  • Extra Security: Yes, this gives extra security to you and your family. This tinted glass protects you from intruders spying in the house as well as gives an extra layer that doesn’t let the glass break easily. Also, it protects the glass from breaking during extreme weather.
  • Privacy: Everyone loves their privacy and maintaining a secure life for their family. The tint in the glass will not interfere with your view of the outside world but it protects you from intruders and nosy neighbours. The light bounces back creating a mirror effect by making it difficult for anyone to see anything inside. These tints also come in decorative pieces if you want to enhance your window. You can choose from etched, stained, or opaque tints to increase safety and privacy.
  • Money-saving: You save a lot of electricity bills when you have your windows tinted. The tinted window rejects the sun’s heat and keeps the rooms cooler vis-à-vis the winters are warmer. This way your costs on spending a lot on using the electrical appliances are cut down.
  • Reduce glare: No one enjoys it when there’s a glare on the TV or your PC. It’s very disturbing, don’t you agree? So these glared-up screens can be reduced or decompressed with the help of tinting of the glass windows. There are other ways to reduce glare like curtains, drapes, or blinds but you don’t have to keep closing the windows to watch your favourite show. You can also read 6 Great Ideas To Improve The Exterior Of Your House

Cons of Home Window Tinting:

  • The warranty: Few of the window manufacturers refuse to cover the damages after modifying them by adding a film to them. This void their warranty rules. You need to find out if the window can sustain the film or tinting before you go for one.
  • It can take away too much sun energy: You might have to think twice before you tint your house windows if you live in a very cold region. This might lead you to choose which side of the house needs tinting and which doesn’t. Or you have to consider the levels of tinting the windows.

Bottom Line:

Even though there are other forms of maintaining the privacy and protecting the house from sunlight, tinted windows are good in many other ways. Moreover, it works better than any blinds or curtains.

However, you need to make sure you choose the right kind of tint and also understand if your window is compatible with the film or tint.


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