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Web Development Trends – TTDigitals


Web development, introduced back in the early nineties, has come a long way. It has evolved and gotten better with time only to offer better user experience. Newer web development trends come up each year and the old ones gradually become mundane. Many of these trends are enhanced versions of the old ones while others are fresh out of the oven. Year 2020 is also expected to bring with it several new and improved web development trends. Here is a look at some of these:

Mobile Responsive Websites

We have been hearing a lot about this one ever since there has been a rise in the web traffic coming from mobile devices. By 2017, more than 50% of the website traffic started coming from mobiles. The percentage has increased manifold since then. Using internet on mobile is not only easier but also economical. Thus, more and more people are using mobile internet these days. If you haven’t considered investing in a mobile responsive website yet then it is time you do or else you will be at a great loss.

Web Development Technologies and Trends in 2020

Cyber Security

There has been a lot of buzz about the breach of security in the cyber space in 2019. This has alarmed internet users and sent many of them in a state of panic. Web developers really need to work on this issue to win the users’ trust back in 2020. Artificial intelligence will be used to prevent cyber security threats this year. This is because robots remain vigilant 24/7 unlike human support. So, they have the capacity of addressing the problem as soon as it comes into form. Hence, the possible damage can be minimized substantially.

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Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is catching up big time. This year the number of voice searches is likely to constitute 50% of the total web searches. This is because of the comfort and ease this feature offers. It is thus important to optimize your website for voice search.

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Use of Accelerated Mobile Pages

Google is trying to make it more and more obvious that in order to stay on top of the search results you need to have a website that is not only informative and engaging but also loads fast. Its Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) framework is a great initiative to facilitate the development of websites that load at lightning fast speed and offer a smooth browsing experience. 2020 will see a growth in the use of this framework. After all, it is one of the best ways to optimize website speed that in turn enhances user experience.

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Rise in the Popularity of Chatbots

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular and the trend is likely to move in the upward direction in 2020. Users love chatbots because of their quick response. It has been predicted that more than 85% of customer interactions will happen with chatbots this year. The popularity of chatbots will continue to increase in the years to come and their features will also be enhanced.

Website development companies in Pune as well as other parts of the country are gearing up to inculcate these latest trends to offer high class web development services to their clients.

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