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Treat Acne Scars Faster Microcirculation with 4 Easy Steps

Every time I have a problem I want it fixed microcirculation as soon as possible. Especially when problems become apparent, such as saucer-sized acne lesions that leave scars. Nature has given mankind a way to speed up the healing process. So, in four easy steps, you can use natural wisdom to speed up your acne scars back to health.

Step 1: Don’t drink alcohol

Everyone told us to do this. Mom is anti-drunk, not driving, and the local police warned us to leave our drinks alone. Your scars have now joined the chorus.

This is the reason. Laboratory studies have shown that drinking alcohol affects the skin’s ability to regenerate skin cells and blood cells after injuries such as acne vulgaris. Additionally, a report from Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research found that alcohol consumption reduces the inflammatory response after trauma.

Proper wound repair involves a number of different procedures, and inflammation often occurs when the skin is affected by a cut, or in the case of acne scars, excessive squeezing.

As the inflammation progresses, the wound is cleaned and new cells are stitched. However, if the inflammatory process is slowed by the flow of alcohol in the blood, so is the healing process. Instead of whiskey shots, pour plain water.

Acne Scars treatment best for all

Step 2: drink more water

Two minutes ago, I had just swallowed a large glass of water, because the slightest dehydration can slow the healing process. In addition, dehydration decreases blood flow and increases the risk of wound infection. While you drink that water, relax and de-stress.

Step 3: Reduce your stress level

Do you want acne scars to heal 10 days faster than usual? Try to relieve stress. A study in The Lancet found that women who were stressed recover more slowly than women who were less stressed. In the study, researchers from the Ohio State University College of Medicine tested the wound healing rate of women caring for a family member with dementia and the wound healing rate of women who did not care for their family members in the study. Age and income

On average, women who didn’t watch family members recover more than 10 days faster than their stressed counterparts. The researchers also found fewer volunteers who cared for Interleukin beta than those who didn’t. After the injury, interleukin beta contributes to the regeneration of the tissue matrix of the skin.

Step 4: Zinc

You also need zinc if you are injured. Zinc helps in repairing the skin as it builds. keratinocytes Keratinocyte cells make keratin proteins that help build the microcirculation skin. Additionally, zinc’s antioxidant properties help remove free radicals and bacteria from wounds to speed up healing.

Additionally, based on a recent review of medical zinc applications published in Wound Repair and Regeneration, topical application of zinc should be considered to increase wound healing rates. To make your own zinc-based wound-healing ointment, all you have to do is grind and mix a teaspoon of zinc supplement with a basic moisturizer. Then spread the mixture over the newly cleaned acne scars to speed up the healing time.

Now, only one question remains: How quickly your acne scars will go away, do you know how to make this happen?


Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Katherine Aradec, Mitchell Sharma, Douglas Efence, Luisa Edipietro, Elizabeth J. Cowan. Acute ethanol exposure to early inflammatory response after injury. Clinical and Experimental Studies in Alcoholism, February 2007, Vol.31, Vol. 2, Pages 317-323.

Lansdowne, Alan BG, Ursula Mirastchijkky, Nicky Stubbs, Elizabeth Scanlon, Magnus S.
Ågren.Zinc in wound healing: theoretical, experimental and clinical aspects. Wound repair and recovery, January – February 2007, vol. 15, issue 1, pages 2-16.

Marucha PT, JK Kiecolt-Glaser, WB Malarkey, AM Mercado & R. Delay in wound healing due to psychological stress. Lancet; November 4, 1995, volume 346, pages 1194-1196.

Wipke-Tevis, Deidre D, and Donna A Williams.Effect of oral hydration on skin microcirculation in healthy young, middle-aged, and older adults. Wound repair and recovery March – April 2007 Vol. 15, Issue 2, Pages 174-185.

3 ways to save money on getting rid of acne scars

How much does it cost to remove acne scars? This depends on many factors such as
How severe your scars are How deep the scars are and will you fix them yourself or pay a skincare professional? Regardless of how you get rid of your scars, you can save a lot of money using these three easy tips.

Tip 1: keep acne under control first

Would you start investing your hard money in a wood deck if you knew you had an inaccessible termite problem? Of course not, because those termites will eat up your money and destroy the perfect deck. The same reason for acne scar removal. Before you spend your money on expensive skin treatments like lasers, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion, make sure you have at least your acne under control.

If your acne is out of control, you won’t be able to enjoy flawless skin for a few more weeks until new pimples arrive and leave marks. A good sign that your skin is moving from being more active to more controlled is that you are experiencing flaking or lumpy acne. Another indication that your acne problem is improving is that your melasma is developing more superficially in the deeper tissues of the skin and the lesions are less painful.

As your acne scars less and the number of lesions decreases, it’s time to start thinking seriously about getting rid of acne scars.

Tip 2: Make your skin healthier to speed up the regeneration process

Another way to save a lot of money in removing scars is to speed up the regeneration time of your skin. You can do this with any common liquid. It starts with reducing alcohol consumption, as laboratory studies have shown that drinking alcohol affects the skin’s ability to regenerate skin cells and blood cells after an injury, such as pimple pimples.

Additionally, a report from Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research found that alcohol consumption reduces the inflammatory response after trauma.
Proper wound repair involves a number of different procedures, and inflammation often occurs when the skin is affected by a cut, or in the case of acne scars, excessive squeezing.

Simply substituting drinking alcohol with plain water, as the slightest level of dehydration can slow wound healing. In addition, dehydration decreases blood flow and increases the risk of wound infection.

Tip 3: Use home remedies to reduce acne scars

You can reduce the severity of acne scars by doing your own cosmetic treatment at home. For example, if your acne scars are dark in color, you can use lemon juice to lighten them. Dip a teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and spread it over the pimples. Leave for ten microcirculation minutes and rinse. Be careful with lemon juice, as it can make your skin sensitive to light. So make sure to use sunscreen on areas that have been painted with lemon juice before going out in the sun.

You can then exfoliate your skin with microdermabrasion. Baking soda is often used in various treatments. Cosmetic microdermabrasion You can make yourself a mini microdermabrasion treatment by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of filtered water, then rub the mixture gently over the mark. Acne scars for 60 seconds and washes off.

You can start taking some simple steps today to clear away any traces of acne scars. And if you decide to seek professional help in getting rid of acne spots, you will save a lot of money.


Fitzgerald, Daniel J., Katherine Aradec, Mitchell Sharma, Douglas Efence, Luisa Edipietro, Elizabeth J. Cowan. Acute ethanol exposure to early inflammatory response after injury. Clinical and Experimental Studies in Alcoholism, February 2007, Vol.31, Vol. 2, Pages 317-323.

Wipke-Tevis, Deidre D, and Donna A Williams.Effect of oral hydration on skin microcirculation in healthy young, middle-aged, and older adults. Wound repair and recovery March – April 2007 Vol. 15, Issue 2, Pages 174-185.

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