Tips for a Cyber Secure Home Experience

In today’s era, people prove that they can live without each other but will not live without technology. From waking up in the morning till again going to bed at night, the most time an individual spends is technology. Technology not just includes the gadget, but it’s a combination of devices, and the working of these gadgets depends upon its network. All the gadgets we use have a specific system through which they work and make our lives comfortable and easy.
In today’s time, networks can be the reason for someone’s development, but it can make our life worse if not secured from unwanted persons and networks. So, every individual must know how to keep our gadgets and networks secure. It is not the responsibility of our service provider or government to protect our data and use a safe and secure system and network.
To keep Security updated on our system, i.e. gadgets and networks, Cyber Security is known. Nowadays, everybody is using computers, Mobile phones, and the Internet for their work. Students are using it for their education. Some are using it for working from home and others for chatting, video call, watching movies, and other entertainment.
Do we all think that we are using a secure network? Are we sure that any unwanted person or source will not take our information? Are we sure that any source from our data will not threaten us? The solution to all the problems is only one use of a secure network or cybersecurity.
So, there are some tips and tricks to set up a secure network and protect your system:
Set The Passwords
- Passwords are the first defense line that protects your system, gadget, and network from unknown sources.
- A person should make sure that the system and network should have a strong password. Your password must not like 123456789 or your name, but there must be proper symbols, letters, and numbers.
- Passwords must be changed at the proper interval of time.
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Use Of Antivirus Software
- Antivirus Software is a set of programs that are designed to detect and remove software viruses. A person should scan his network and system with an antivirus program. It prevents your network and system from window crashing and will terminate the unwanted sites and programs which can harm your computer.
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Make Your House Network Protected
- Make your Wi-Fi network encrypted. Make sure that your home Wi-Fi is password protected and not public.
- If your router is breached, then a hacker or unknown source could access your devices and everything you send through the router or through that network.
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Be Aware Of Scams And Frauds
- It is essential in today’s world to be very aware of every scam.
- Don’t open the new links sent on your emails or mobiles by unknown users because clicking on that may permit access to your information. The attacker may have access to your personal information, your location, Your bank statements, etc. So be aware before clicking on any link without thinking.
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Don’t Allow Every App Or Site To Access Your Information
- Nowadays, the big company puts some terms to use their services, and we blindly say yes to every term. Those companies have access to our data on our gallery, contacts, location, and use the information to influence us through different strategies.
- This happens when we download an app on our phone. There will come some notification like allow XYZ to access your gallery or contact. And we say yes or Allow, and we are only permitted to use our data to that company. After accessing the data, our data can be sold to other companies, and they will influence us or be used according to their marketing strategies.
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Keep Your Data On Your System Only And Share It Through A Secure Network
- Avoid sharing your data from public networks or Wi-Fi because, at that time, the attacker may have access to your data, and the same data can also be with the attacker.
- Do not use Wi-Fi for Bank work, i.e. sending money or receiving money, because the unknown source can take your bank statement.
Be Aware Of Money Scam
- Nowadays, it is becoming widespread. People become victims of such scams very quickly, so individuals must have to be very careful if you donate money to make sure that you send them to a real account, not any fake person. And the difference between the two accounts is very little, so make sure that your money is sent to the right Foundation/NGO/Individual.
Until now, one thing became apparent to us that cybersecurity is critical not for our system because it’s a machine but for us, for our privacy. Data plays a vital role in today’s time than money because networks have all the secrets, our data. For more information regarding router safety, find out more on Our network knows us more than us. Know our part of interest, or dislike. So, it is essential to keep it private and secure from unwanted sources.