Things Students Don’t Realise Are Affecting Their Studies

When students have a passion to study, they don’t see what they are doing to achieve their goals and objectives in their academic life. It is so because this age is full of purpose and objectives and at this age students mostly have a thinking to achieve as much as they can.
Students have a lot of dreams which they want to see come true in this very incarnation. So, this inspires them to sacrifice their sleep and health in order to achieve their dreams. This sacrifice looks very good and everyone praises also the hard work of the student but such sacrifice takes a toll on mental and physical health of the students.
They don’t realize it but their body and psychological health start to have issues due to this. Though students have many educational apps like a classroom app. A classroom app provides all details 24×7 for the students due to which they can manage their studies according to their convenience. Somewhere students have to attend live classes.
These live classes also get stretched for 1-3 hours which are very hectic hours for learning continuously. There are several factors which affect the studies of children. It is seen that kids usually have a lot of curiosity about the learning process and they keep on searching and learning but they ignore few things which they should not which affect their studies. Let’s understand in details what are the things which affects your studies but you don’t realize:
- It is common that background sound affects the learning method and learning process of the students and it is not necessary that every student can learn while having a mild music in background because this can be done only by fewer students. It is assumed that kids are mischievous so they like sound and noise, but this concept is wrong completely when kids are learning. It is found in studies that kids learn better in quiet places or very silent study spaces. Silence helps them concentrate on their topics such as the library.
- Just like the factor of background sound, room temperature also plays a major role in the learning Room temperature is directly related to the mood of learning or not learning. For example, if a student is willing to study then it is necessary that room temperature should not be lowered too much and not be exciting beyond the limit. This creates distraction because due to less temperature students can catch cough & cold and due to high temperature; they will suffer through many other physical issues.
- The most important factor which is very important for the study purpose of the students is seating posture. Most of the students ignore this factor which affects the physical and mental condition of the students. So, this should be kept in mind that students should sit in a comfortable chair and study at a table having a good height up to the chest of the student. Those students who sit in the wrong chair and table or those who don’t study on a particular chair and table suffer continuous back pain and headache which affects their studies and learning. Sitting in the wrong position puts excessive pressure on eyes also which makes eyesight
- Going beyond the limit in any matter proves to be harmful. In the same way when students keep on studying beyond the limit and don’t take rest then it becomes harmful for them and the one who studies like this, goes through a severe mental breakdown Hence, it is said that students should take proper rest and small intervals for long-term studies. This refreshes the mind and recharges the psychological status for learning further.
- Students should have proper sleep and that of 6-8 hours because this much sleep is called and lack of sleep can produce several issues in the body as well as mentally also. Those who don’t get proper sleep and their academic life gets destroyed completely because being regular in this habit they become insomniac and this situation can cause serious damage to a student’s
- All of the above the most important factor which directly affects the learning and studies of the students is their meal. Meals of the students directly have an impact on their learning capacity. Eating junk food and harmful things from the open market causes several diseases which disturbs the whole-time table of students. That’s why they should eat dry fruits like almonds which can empower their memory and sprouts as breakfast.