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Health and Fitness

The Different Types of Hearing Aids Explained

Hearing aids are wonderful inventions that changed the lives of millions of people who suffer from hearing loss. Around 37 million US adults have some sort of trouble with their hearing. Despite this, many people who have difficulty hearing and could benefit from the use of hearing aids do not wear one.

If you have issues with your hearing, and you would like to learn more about what your options are, this guide can help you. Read on to learn more about the different types of hearing aids available and which one could suit your specific needs.

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

A hearing aid is a complex device that helps those who are hard of hearing to be able to hear better. The mechanism by which it works is comprised of a three-part system.

First, a microphone picks up sounds and turns them into a digital signal. Next, an amplifier increases the strength of this signal. Finally, a speaker projects the amplified sound into the wearer’s ear.

The first iteration of the hearing aid dates back to 1898. Since then, more modern versions have been invented, allowing better levels of hearing for even those who have the worst trouble hearing.

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Different Types of Hearing Aids Available

Depending on what type of difficulty hearing you have, and its severity, different kinds of hearing aids will work better for you. If you’d like to see which could suit you, you check with a provider like

There are quite a few types available. Four main types are the most common.

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Completely in the Canal Hearing Aid

This type of hearing aid is placed inside the ear canal. It is popular with hearing aid wearers as it is completely invisible.

This model is also good because it allows the wearer to use a telephone without hearing much feedback—a problem with some other kinds of hearing aids. This type of hearing aid is suitable for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.

In the Canal Hearing Aid

This is a small type of hearing aid that fits snugly into the ear. It is less noticeable than some models, but can still be seen from outside.

This model is good as it can hold a dual microphone system which makes it easier to control background noise. This model is also suitable only for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.

In the Ear Hearing Aid

This type of hearing aid sits in the ear, like the others above, but it is larger and more noticeable. Because it is larger, it can have more functions, which offers the wearer a better quality of life. This model can suit those with mild to severe hearing loss.

Read also: Compare hearing aids

Behind the Ear Hearing Aid

This type of hearing aid sits behind the ear. It is the most noticeable of all of the different types. However, it offers many functions and may last longer than other types, two positives.

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Which Kind of Hearing Aid Is Best for You?

We hope this guide to the different types of hearing aids has helped you to find the one that’s right for you. Be sure to consult with an audiologist before making any decisions. If you’ve enjoyed this guide, please check out the rest of our content.

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