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Supervisors in The Intelligent Call

The intelligent call services solutions are pretty much in trend these days. Like other advanced call solutions. The intelligent call center software also comes with a wide array of features for supervisors, agents, and management. In this article, we will talk about the top 7 features. Call Packages available for supervisors in the intelligent call and how they can get benefited by using them.

 Functionality of Detecting

The intelligent call center software offers multiple dashboards to the supervisors of the call centers. Some of them show real time stats along with the summary of performances. The intelligent call center solution also has a functionality of detecting fraud calls. All these data and metrics help in supervising and improving the performance of all agents in real time.

Real Time Listening

When a supervisor identifies a fraud call or something unusual, such as a really long ongoing call, he can listen to the call without acknowledgment of an agent. This feature is also useful when some agents are not performing well and there are no clear reasons to know why. The real time listening to the calls of these agents can help in identifying the root cause.

Collected Data for Enhancement

The intelligent call center software provides real time and historical statistics of the agents. These statistics are useful in identifying the skills of the agents as well as improvement points. This collected data can be used to further enhance the performance of agents and the call center.

Provides Additional Features

This type of call center solution provides all call recording features available in the standard call center software. Moreover, it also provides additional features that are used to adhere to specific legal compliances as well as to assure call quality and to resolve any disputes in the call center.

The Whisper

This is the standard “Whisper” feature which allows a supervisor to coach an agent about what to speak to handle the call more effectively. This coaching happens in real time during the live call. The supervisor instructs the agent which agent can listen, but the customer stays unaware about this whole conversation.

Queue and Attend the Calls

The intelligent call center software also provides all call controls to the supervisors. It means the supervisors can also stay in the call queue and attend the calls while needed. The agents can forward the call to the supervisor when they need the help of the supervisor. This way the call centers can leverage improved performance as they can use agents occasionally to handle calls.

Measure the Performance

The historic reports are really important in call centers. Thus, intelligent call center software offers a wide variety of reports to the supervisors and managers. The supervisors usually have access to all reports. These reports can be used by the supervisors to measure the performance of the agents, campaigns, and other metrics.

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