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SEO vs PPC Advertising: Which is A Better Option For Your Website’s Growth?

SEO and PPC advertising are the two most powerful digital marketing solutions. They have the potential to expand your business not only in the local market but over the global market. If correctly utilized, they can multiply your business sales and revenues within a short time. 

Many website owners usually ask us whether to choose Search Engine Optimization or PPC advertising. It is impossible to answer every individual. This is why we came up with this comprehensive guide that describes everything about SEO and PPC. It will help you decide which option is better according to your requirements and preferences. Let’s start with a basic introduction to SEO.

Search Engine Optimization 

SEO is a technique to improve and increase the quantity and quality of web traffic to a web page or website. It includes content optimization, internal links, external links, and so on. It is an organic way to grow a website. 

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PPC Advertising 

PPC Advertising is a digital advertising model that allows advertisers to advertise their business or website on the first page of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). When using this advertising model, advertisers have to pay for every single click that happens on their ad. Comparatively, it is much more expensive than Search Engine Optimization.

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Why Is SEO Given More Importance?

SEO is given much more importance than PPC advertising. Do you know why? There are lots of reasons behind this. 

First, SEO is an organic way of website promotion. You need not pay a huge amount of money to do SEO on your website. You only need to pay an SEO company India whom you want to hire. On the other hand, PPC is a paid method of website promotion. You may have to invest thousands of dollars in this to obtain the desired result. 

Second, SEO gives you long-term benefits. Initially, you might not get enough traffic on your website, but once SEO starts showing its result, it keeps giving you heavy returns on your investment. 

Third, SEO helps a website owner build a strong customer base. It helps in driving potential customers to your website who stay loyal customers for many years. 

Fourth, though SEO takes time, if correctly done, it is a one-time investment. It can give you long-term benefits without much expense. All you need to do is to hire the right SEO India agency that has the potential to take your website to the top of the SERP

Fifth, SEO gives your users an awesome website-visiting experience that motivates them to revisit your website again and again. Simply put, it enhances user engagement. 

Which Option Should You Choose?

Both SEO and PPC advertising serve the same purposes but they have different features. If your website is new and you are looking for instant web traffic, PPC advertising is a better option for you. On the other hand, if you are aiming for establishing a strong customer base and obtain a higher website ranking on the SERP, no option is better than Search Engine Optimization. 


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