Pros and Cons of Node.js Web App Development

Technology provides us with facilities that enable us to go to many leaves and boundaries. technology is going to be our driving force for the better tomorrow. Web developers and web designers are dependent on technology in order to provide innovative web apps and websites that help users understand information and process them. Web developers are can’t towards using Technology as a driving force thus providing users with Better Apps and better facilities.
In recent times a new technology has come in that has paved the way for web development. This technology is node JS and we found it to be very much beneficial to web developers and programmers alike. Developers and programmers are able to do unimaginable things that Legacy Technology couldn’t provide the functions for. In this article, we are going to have a look at the different advantages and disadvantages as well as the pros and cons of using this particular Technology that is nodeJS.
Pros and Cons of Node.js
Here are the PROs of NodeJS
Offers easy scalability:
One of the main advantage that node.js is famous and popular for, is because of the ability to allow programmers to scale their applications easily and effectively. Web developers in web programmers can easily scale their applications depending on the rising demands of consumers, customers and users.
Node JS is able to provide any interface and ability to scale the application within the boundaries of the application without disturbing them as well as it rises to meeting the demands of our users. Because of the scalability factor node JS has been used for a wide range of applications from shopping to E-commerce websites easily and effectively.
Easy to learn:
Node JS provides an easy to learn language, which can be used for development of web applications and main programs pretty easily and effectively. Node JS makes use of the Highly popular language JavaScript in order to learn the language and implement it successfully. Developers and programmers only get to know the basics of JavaScript in order to use node.js for development of web applications and web programs.
The basic and subtle nuances of programming could be implemented when using JavaScript with node.js. This makes it easier for bed programmers and web developers to implement features and functionalities in their applications.
Single programming language for all the tasks:
If you know JavaScript or have some experience in using it, you will be on your way to master node JS when you use it along with JavaScript. JavaScript can be used for both the front and in the back end applications when you use it along with NodeJS.
Developers and programmers will easily be able to create applications that are innovative and new features depending on the demands of the users thus making them successful and efficient. JavaScript helps you to not only master node JS but also enables you to use third party Tools and techniques that helps you create web applications pretty easily and effectively
Benefits of FullStack JS:
Node.js can be used for the creation and development of both the client side as well as server side applications and that too using a single language JavaScript. This enables you to ensure that you have full compatibility with server side and client side applications as they both will work in coordination and cooperation with each other.
Therefore in order to ensure compatibility web developers and programmers must encourage the use of JavaScript India web applications and programs that they create for different users.
High performance:
Developers and programmers are able to create high performance web applications that are ever ready to meet the growing demands of consumers, customers and users pretty easily and efficiently when they use node.js.NodeJS promotes and encourages developers and programmers to create web applications that are highly performant, highly responsive in nature and can easily meet the demands of users on the web.
NodeJS can be used for vertical scaling as well as for horizontal scaling which means that we can increase the performance as well as ensure the scalability is increased depending on the requirements of the user.
Huge and active community:
NodeJS was introduced in 2015, has an ever growing community and is helpful to users ever since. Node JS boasts of having a large and active community of users that can use and implement different features and functions as well as help users with their queries or doubts in programming applications and websites for the web.
Aspiring developers and programmers can take advantage of this community and post questions to them using the community forums, as well as get answers to all their doubts and queries that they might have easily and efficiently. This helps to speed up the process of programming amongst developers and programmers easily and efficiently.
Caching advantage:
Node JS provides programmers and developers a new feature called caching. This feature enables developers and programmers to actively program and implement various cash and methods and functions in their applications pretty easily and effectively. Caching helps developers to increase the speed and responsiveness of their web applications, by decreasing the amount of round trips to the server for the processing of data.
Simultaneously handles requests:
The amount of requests that node.js can handle simultaneously is pretty adequate and huge number. Because of this ability NodeJS can handle huge amounts of requests thereby enabling the capability to handle huge amounts of traffic and simultaneously processing them pretty easily and efficiently.
When you have a requirement to handle high amounts of traffic and huge amounts of users then you can easily rely on NodeJS to deal with your users and effectively provide them and servicing their requests. NodeJS web servers can handle high volumes of traffic for different users thus servicing their requests and providing them with the necessary information.
Here are the CONs of NodeJS
API is not stable:
The application programming interface for node JS keeps on changing and because of this reason the stability is not maintained properly. Due to this programmers and Developers can encounter issues while trying to incorporate different features and functions that utilizes the various features of node JS in their applications.
The main reason for the stability is because NodeJS uses an asynchronous programming model instead of the more stable non blocking IO programming model. NodeJS Developers and programmers can encounter issues when using API in their web applications for incorporating different features and functions for different users.
Unavailability of strong library support:
Another major con that we found availability of strong library support for node JS. The node js library is not strong enough to provide various features and functions that can be used right out of the box, it is pretty limited in nature and can provide you only a limited set of features and functions.
Of course we feel that this will change with time, but still when you compare it with the other third-party tools and technologies that are available, we feel that nodejs is lacking short of the features that libraries can offer for it.
Also Read: Benefits of ReactJS to choose it for your project
Conclusion- Pros and Cons of Node.js
This was the article on Pros and Cons of Node.js. Node Js is a great piece of technology that has increased the capabilities of web developers and web programmers and enabled them to do things that we only dreamt of. However one must understand the differences and subtle advantages that they can get when using node js for web programming.
We have listed down the various pros and cons that we feel that every developer and programmer must know about. if you are looking for a Node JS developer then you can contact us. Hope you like this blog on Pros and Cons of Node.js Web App Development.