Preparing Recipes For Deep Fried Oreos

Everyone loves to have something sweet after dinner in form of a snack, cake, pie or candy. When we look for sweets in the store we are always left perplexed by the variation a supermarket offers and we don’t know what to choose. To make that decision a little simpler next time, we are going to learn you how to make Deep Fried Oreos. So the next time you go to a store remember this article and buy Oreos to make a very delicious snack that gives satisfaction to both young and old. It does not require some kind of special cooking skills and everyone will be able to make them without any problems.
What to know
Some of you might think: I’ve never heard of Deep-Fried Oreos and you will probably be surprised that there is such a recipe. Most of us know about Oreos but are unaware that there are recipes for them. As promised we will teach you how to make those delicious Oreo cookies. First of all, you must make sure that you have all the ingredients and equipment for deep frying. You can get the ingredients at any regular supermarket and it should not be a problem for you to find them. Of course, you need a pack of Oreo cookies.
You can use a pre-mixed baking product such as Bisquick but you could also use pancake flower. You will also need two middle-sized eggs and one and a half cups of milk. Do not forget to buy oil. Lots of it. You need the oil for your deep fryer. You should check how big your deep fryer is and how many oils you have to buy.
How to make them
Now that you have bought all your ingredients you are ready to start preparing to deep fry the Oreo cookies, there is one thing left for you to do: begin. Start off by pre-heating your deep fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, grab a bowl and put in the Bisquick or pancake flour.
Crack the two eggs and also add them to the bowl. Also, add the milk and three teaspoons of oil. While your deep fryer is reaching the desired temperature you should be busy mixing up all the ingredients in the bowl. Preferably use a mixer, but manual mixing should also do the trick.
Now open up the box of Oreo cookies and dip them into the mixture until they are completely covered. Once you’ve dipped all the Oreo cookies in the mixture, put them in the deep fryer. Make sure that you don’t leave the sink because you will have to turn the cookies until they reach a brown colour. Now take them out of the deep fryer and you have deep- fried Oreo cookies!
How to serve
Now that your deep-fried Oreo cookies are done, you are ready to eat them. They are usually consumed while they are still warm but are still delicious even when they are cold. Serve them as a dessert after dinner or surprise your friends with this great recipe.
Cooking in your kitchen is sometimes relaxing because in that way many people forget about their work problems and stresses. However, not everyone is capable of cooking. You have to be gifted to do this. Nevertheless, I prefer to cook and thus rest my mind.
Cooking my deep-fried Oreos, although I am not qualified to cook professionally, is the most relaxing thing. One of the tastiest foods that I have tried. Do not count calories here. I recommend it to everyone. It is very simple to do, it does not require a lot of money to cook it, and it looks great. What else do you need?
My first deep-fried Oreos
This is for the ones who are married and have different opinions than their mother in law’s opinion. There was an unexpected visit from my mother in law in our new home. I had nothing in the refrigerator except juice, milk, and oil. I gave her a glass of juice and she started babbling about my cooking expertise. So, I was forced to make something up.
I looked in the kitchen and except for flour, and Oreos, I could not find anything else. Then the light blinked over my head. I remembered a recipe for deep-fried Oreos. Preparing these delicious sweets saved me from babbling. The mother in law was happy to see me cooking.
How to cook deep-fried Oreos
Cooking deep-fried Oreos is the simplest thing to do. First, you need to buy a pack of Oreos. Jump to the nearest store and buy one. Look at the expiration and production date. The sweets must be fresh, so the fried Oreos will be tasty. The second thing to do is to prepare Bisquick. Bisquick is prepared by mixing flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, and vegetable shortening. Prepare 2 eggs and one and a half cup of fresh milk.
Oil is necessary for the mixture and vegetable oil for the frying. After you have all the ingredients, start with blending the Bisquick, oil, eggs (not whole eggs), and the milk should be added at last. When the mixture is finished, grab the cookies and cover them with the mixture. You can do this also in another bowl.
When you start preparing the Oreos, turn on the heater, because it takes time to heat. The necessary temperature is 200 degrees. After the temperature is reached, place the Oreos covered with the mixture in the pan with oil. They will fry and float. After that, you have to turn them around, because they will be over-fried. The brown colour is ideal, so watch closely. After they are prepared, serve them and eat while they are warm. If they cool off, the taste is not so good.
Different deep-fried Oreos recipes
People like to mix up different foods. Many versions of the authentic deep-fried Oreos recipe have been presented. After they are fried and well done, covering them with pudding, whipped cream or even ice cream is possible. Some people even pour caned or fresh fruits on the Oreos. It depends on what you like.