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Home Improvement

Painted Vs Stained Cabinets: Which Is Ideal For You?

In case you’re ready to move with a newly altered kitchen look and don’t know which archetype of cabinets would be the best fit for you – then you’ve arrived at the correct place. Today, in this report, we are going to differentiate between stained & painted cabinets and which one should you be using for your requirements. 

It should be realized that choosing kitchens in Newcastle that too affordable kitchens can be tricky at times, however, it can certainly be done with the help of the right kitchen specialists. And if you want to choose between painter vs stained cabinets, we want you to know the merits of both of them, so that you can decide on which is better. 

All You Need To Know About Painted Cabinets

In this current day & age, painted cabinets are indeed a big deal. It has a chic look that can add an instant burst of colours to any kitchen space out there. These cabinets tend to be highly versatile and thereby look fabulous when placed against other types of flooring, decor or backsplash tiles. On the other hand, you must also remember that they also hold a potential downside, and that is their increased maintenance costs.


  • Lots Of Variety

When it comes to painted cabinets, you have a lot of options to choose from, especially if you want to accomplish a particular style of aesthetics. Since these cabinets use colours, it can add a contrasting effect to your kitchen, thereby leading to increased versatility. You can either obtain these cabinets in solid colours or two-tone ones. 

  • Hidden Wooden Grain

If you’re someone who doesn’t like the wood grain, then painted cabinets will provide you with the most satisfaction – mainly because of its thick coat of paint. 

  • More Space

Using bright colours in your kitchen not only provides you with an increased perception of space but also make it appealing for contemporary looks. 

All You Need To Know About Stained Cabinets

Even though stained cabinets are not as trendy as painted ones, they still remain excellent for infusing any space with a natural look. They also deliver durability, practicality and yet you can enjoy its beautifulness.

  • Versatility

Unlike painted cabinets, stained cabinets will provide you with a lot of options to choose from, such as – natural, rustic and traditional. As a result, you can achieve versatility in your cabinets with this style.

  • Affordable

Stained cabinets tend to be much more affordable than painted ones. Moreover, they are also durable over time than painted ones.

  • Low Maintenance

With stained cabinets, you don’t have to touch-up on them every day since they’ll be made from hardwood. This means that they’ll remain gorgeous for decades without any significant maintenance routines. 

And with that, wraps up our comparison. It’s suggested that you go through the entire article and then make the ideal decision of your choice. 

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