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Nine Hidden Things About Minecraft

Welcome to the Recablog where we love to share the entertaining and tech articles that are really helpful our audience. Today we will share a Minecraft topic that you don’t know.

We all know that Minecraft is one of the most played and downloaded game on the internet all over the world. This game is unique and different from the games like Pubg, subway surfers, etc.

So let us discuss some best and unknown feature of the Minecraft that you don’t know but launched by the company for you. So you guys can enjoy the game then before.

These are the nine hidden features of Minecraft. So without wasting time let us discuss these features.

Number 9

As all good criminals will tell you, sometimes it’s a good idea to change your name. But this year we decided to change our name too! Instead of “Mojang”, a name we   never figured out how to pronounce anyway, we’re now called “Mojang Studios”. There, no-one should have any trouble pronouncing that! In honor of this name change, here’s a list of potential new names for this show… …if  “Moyang” Studios ever forgives me for what I did, and gives me another series. Also check- How to make a water elevator in Minecraft.

Number 8

Minecraft released their delightful dungeon crawler, Minecraft Dungeons. I can’t wait to play it, and I’ll get right on that, as soon as I’ve finished saying this lie. I was actually gonna be the voice over in Minecraft Dungeons, but I was just too good for them! Hello dungeon crawler, welcome to Minecraft Java Edition Yeah, whatever.

To give the Dungeons soundtrack that Minecraft flavor without just getting Jens to spit in it, we told a group of professional choir singers to sound like Minecraft villagers.   Thanks again for not resigning in disgust, guys! Also check- How to repair a bow in Minecraft.

Number 7

This year they launched a new YouTube series designed to tell you how we make Minecraft. It truly redefined the word “educational”.  Eagle-eared listeners might have noticed that I didn’t narrate this series, because I was too busy auditioning to do the voiceover for Minecraft Earth. Hello, and welcome to Minecraft Dungeons! who plugs her back in but what you might not know is EARTH! Who plugged her back in? But what you might not know is, I did have just enough time to make a cameo… I love friendship, friendship love me…. That’s right! I’m the voice behind the sound of the summer. I even wrote the lyrics myself,   with all my friends who live in here with me. With friends like these, who needs friends?

Number 6

Have you ever wanted to visit the Minecraft world in the background of the title screen?   I haven’t. As I’ve said before, not really a fan of the game. Luckily, more curious players than I  spent a lot of 2020 trying to figure out what seed would generate this world in Minecraft.  It took 93 days of work, but finally someone found it.  It was me!  Only joking, I didn’t achieve anything this year. It was the amazing explorers of Minecraft@Home. Well done to the players who actually did find it. Now can you find and free me from this cursed closet that I seem to keep respawning in?

Number 5

They released their first cereal! I’ve heard it tastes exactly like the game. I wouldn’t know, because I traded my sense of taste chip for this. No regrets.  Because I sold my regret chip too.

Number 4

Isn’t virtual reality amazing? It’s like I’m actually inside a computer! Oh, wait. Minecraft’s been playable in VR for a long time, but did you know this year we came to PlayStation VR? With the power of VR, players can get more immersed in Minecraft than ever before. Like Steve here. Let’s mod his game to make it more immersive.

Number 3

Do you remember 2019, when we announced goats and I still had a regular series?   Yeah, me neither. But we announced goats in this charming mob vote video, with pixel art designs   by the brilliant Martin Wörrister. In fact we like Martin’s pixel art takes so much,   that Minecraft’s artists decided instead of starting from scratch with a new goat design   they’d try and match his pixel goat as closely as possible in-game. The fact that they didn’t base   the design on me is a little insulting. Still, at least I got to do the voice. MOO.

Number 2

For the new Caves and Cliffs update, we’re introducing the lightning rod. We needed to test this rod out, so one of   our developers added more lightning to the sky. Let’s see if they were successful!  Oh, good. They were far too successful. Would you like the sky to be like this permanently in Caves and Cliffs? Let us know in the comments.

Number 1

Since no-one came to my birthday party, April Fool’s Day has become my favorite holiday.  And this year we celebrated it with a special Ultimate Content Snapshot.  Write anything you want in a book, throw it into a Nether Portal, and it’ll craft a   unique universe. There’s over two billion potential universes that can be generated!   Let’s see what happens when you write my name  into the book.   Wait. I know what this is. This game still has a restraining order against me.

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