Have your marble tiles lost their shine? Well, then you need to hire Marble Restoration Company now. Marble is a precious stone used in the construction of many houses. It can be a kitchen tabletop and sink or bathtub material in bathrooms. However, marble is more commonly a flooring material. Marble is cut and furnished in the shapes of tiles. The workers will then place the tiles symmetrically across the floor. A marble floor is beautiful to look at. Its shine and esthetic looks lift the appeal of any household. However, it is vulnerable to decay and loses its lustre over time. Therefore, to prevent your marble floors decay, you need the services of a Restoration Company.
Benefits of Hiring Marble Restoration Company
Any service must benefit you for it to be worth hiring. Hence, let’s go through some of the perks of appointing restoration company services.
Fix Damages
A marble floor is often the victim of falling objects. The objects cause scratches and even cracks in the worst-case scenario. Therefore, it scars the marble floor and takes away its elegant look. Restoration companies are commonly two methods to fix the damages. They use a strong adhesive to fill the cracks. Afterwards, they used polishing tools to polish the glue, eventually starting to look like the original marble tile. In the second method, they use pieces of similar marble to fill the crack.
The company may cut new pieces from identical tiles or use the leftover waste from cutting original tiles. They use a strong adhesive to fix the new elements in the cracks. After the glue dries, they polish the new pieces, so they look like part of the original marble tile. Therefore, it helps to repair any damage on your marble floor. While the repairs also don’t stand out, so you’re marbling floors still look brand new.
Avoid Cost Of New Marble Floors Installation
The marble floor has an exquisite and mesmerizing look. Therefore, the price of this beautiful stone is very high. It is costly to install a marble floor. Consequently, it is an investment people want to last as long as possible. When a marble floor gets damaged, it is no longer pleasant to look at, and you may need to replace it. However, you may have got the marble floor installed recently. Therefore, you cannot or don’t want to pay the high installation cost again. The best possible action for you will be to hire a Marble Restoration Company.
They will repair your marble floor at a lower price. The only cost you will have to pay will be the company’s service charges. Therefore, you won’t have to purchase expensive materials. You may have to regularly employ the help of the restoration company. However, the overall cost will be lower than installing a new marble floor.
Restoration Is More Eco Friendly
You no longer need the old marble tiles when you get new tiles installed. You may get them thrown on landfill sites. The tiles will remain there as landfill waste and contribute to your pollution. The factory will also have to produce new tiles for installation. The production will use many scarce resources like marble. It will decrease the marble supply in the market, so it may not be available for other purposes. During the production, the factory will release many harmful gases into the air. It will make the atmosphere more polluted and reduce the clean air to breathe. The factory will throw a lot of the waste into landfills and rivers. Further contributing to pollution and a toxic environment.
Marble restoration restores your old tiles, so they do not need to be thrown. So they do not stay as waste on landfill sites. It will restore the old tiles, so you will not need to purchase a new marble floor. Therefore, factories will not have to produce new marbles. The release of harmful gases and waste will be lower in the environment. Hence, marble restoration helps reduce pollution levels and lower the negative impact on the environment.
Why Marble Floor Decay?
The decay of your marble floor makes you ultimately hire Marble Restoration Company. But why do your marble tiles decay? Below are a few of the reasons that cause this phenomenon.
Falling Physical Objects
You may accidentally drop an object on your marble floor. At first, it may not cause even a scratch as marble is a solid stone. However, dropping heavy objects regularly will slowly take a toll on your marble floor. Each impact will chip away a part of the marble and reduce its durability. Ultimately, it will become weak and may be unable to take another effect. So when another object falls on it, the marbles defence will finally crumble. It will cause the marble to crack or split in two in the worst possible case. The size of the crack and its depth may depend on the object’s weight. In some cases, the impact even causes the marble tile to become loose and pop out. Therefore, the cracked tile will look out of order on the marble floor and devalue the entire floor’s appeal.
Liquid Spillage
The damages of crack do not only make your floors lose their appeal. Some breaks are intense and reach up to the foundation. Therefore, the foundation of the floor is now exposed. If you spill water on the tiles, it will reach the marble floor foundation through the cracks. The water will weaken the adhesive, keeping the marble tile fixed to the spot. It will cause the marble tile to become loose and move or pop out of its place. The floor is no longer even firm to walk on known. As you step on the marble tile, it will creak and may get cracked even more.
Many liquids like wine are difficult to remove. Therefore, if they fall on your marble floor and if not cleaned quickly. It will cause stains on the marble floor that you will no longer be able to remove yourself. Therefore, you will need the help of Marble Restoration Company. Some liquids don’t leave but instead damage the marble itself. It causes the marble to become dull and lose its shine.
Not Regularly Maintained
People walk on marble floors daily. Dust and dirt will cover the footwear of each person in dust and dirt. Therefore, it leaves dirty shoeprints on the marble floor. If the cleaners do not regularly clean the shoeprints, they will leave stains on the marble surface. You also need to clean dust daily as it may become fixed on the marble or enter cracks in the marble. Some shoes having mud may leave streaks on the marble. Regular cleaning help to keep the marble clean and shining its brightest.
Bottom Line
The marble floor is a beautiful and elegant thing to have on your floor. It may be an expensive investment, but the difference in your residence it makes is worth the price. Therefore, you must regularly maintain and treat your marble floors with utmost care. A marble floor at its best when it is shining. So hire Marble Restoration Company now and let your marble shine like it’s supposed to.