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Is a Pacemaker and a Defibrillator The Same Thing?

Are you confused between a Pacemaker and a Defibrillator? Are you unable to differentiate between the two? Well, then, this article is exactly the right piece for your different defibrillator devices.

On reading this, you will understand how pacemaker and defibrillator differ and meet at some point. Read the article to know more. 

Primary Difference Between A Defibrillator And Pacemaker?


An implanted defibrillator is a prominent tool. It uses electric shock to bring back your heart to a standard rate. Interestingly, the device can also be used to retain your heart’s pace to normal in case of a cardiac arrest.

Defibrillators are smart devices that use sensors to detect the pace of your heart. The cardioverter-defibrillators act as a generator, comprising circuitry and battery, attached to wired sensors. These sensors (placed via implants) rest in your heart, determine the intensity of shocks via smart sensors. 

However, you must know about the different defibrillator devices and understand their operations before purchasing them. 


A pacemaker is a device that helps maintain your heart’s rhythm at an average rate. The device works on an electronic principle, sending steady and low tone nature electric shocks to the heart. The pace at which the device sends a shock to the heart is what we call a pacing rate; it plays a significant role in determining the rate of a beat per minute.

Like an ICD, a pacemaker is a smart device that comes with sensors, allowing the device to keep track of the rhythm and respond accordingly. 

One example of the application of a pacemaker is when it senses the cardiovascular muscles moving at a slower rate; it responds by sending shock at a steady pace, allowing the heart to return to normal. Depending on the type, there are a few pacemakers in the market. 

How Reliable Are Pacemakers And Defibrillators?

These gadgets are exceedingly reliable. However, like any other electronic device, even pacemakers and defibrillators need to be programmed at regular intervals.

However, patients must always ensure that they get examined regularly to ensure they can adjust the state of their devices accordingly.

What Powers Pacemakers And Defibrillators?

The current generation of pacemakers and defibrillators is powered by a lithium cell that ensures longevity. However, users need to be cautious about the status of their battery as the device informs the users well in advance.

However, the power delivery of these devices depends upon the type of tool used. Few gadgets also tend to last for some 5 years, and at times 10 years. Interestingly, few get extra existence out of it, and a few get less, relying upon the scenario.

What To Do When The Battery Life Ceases Over These Devices?

It’s simple; users need to open up the tool by unscrewing the leads. Once done, all they need to do is replace them with a new one. 

Now You Know!

Now that you have read the article completely, we hope that you have had an idea about the diverse ways of working with a pacemaker and a defibrillator. 

However, when it comes to buying them, we suggest you trust professionals like Defibs Direct Australia. When it comes to devices that play a significant role in your life, always choose what’s best for your health! 

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