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How to Generate More Sales Using a Leads Nutrition Strategy?

Implementing a lead nutrition strategy correctly can be essential to conquer and convert visitors to your website into potential clients (leads), and finally, convert them into loyal clients who “wear your brand's t-shirt”.

How to Generate More Sales Using a Leads Nutrition Strategy?

Implementing a lead nutrition strategy correctly can be essential to conquer and convert visitors to your website into potential clients (leads), and finally, convert them into loyal clients who “wear your brand’s t-shirt”.

In this article, we won’t specifically talk about lead generation . Our goal is to show and suggest actions that can be taken to nurture existing leads. That is to say: strengthen the relationship with your potential customers so that they carry out the purchase journey with your company.

Thus, to be successful in this task, we recommend following some tips and, of course, understanding the importance of lead nutrition for increased sales.

What is lead nutrition?

In summary, and as its name says, lead nutrition means: “nurturing” the relationship with your potential clients. For this, the company can use various channels and strategies that strengthen those ties. Thus, you can have greater authority, offer greater credibility and have a closer relationship with your leads. The result? The conversion of a lead into a customer.

However, this is not as simple as it sounds. Countless companies today are employing these techniques and that is why yours must stand out in the market and win over the customer. For this, it is necessary to offer a quality service / product, good service, and mainly, a good shopping experience for the customer. Thus, this will relate your company with positive feelings and sensations.

Furthermore, when this strategy is properly implemented, lead nutrition exponentially increases the customer’s propensity to purchase. Offering quality content that can educate and nurture the company – lead relationship is essential to conquer your potential customers.


The leads that are nurtured through the content offer

relevant to them (after market segmentation),

produce an increase in sales opportunities of up to 20%.


How to make this flow of nutrition work? We will tell you below:

How to organize and track your sales leads in listed steps

How to do lead nutrition?

Lead nutrition is done by preparing and sending good content. Therefore, the lead goes through the sales funnel appropriately until becoming a customer.

However, each action must have a unique defined strategy, and that is because:

Each action of the nutrition flow has a specific time to function properly. This is because one of the main characteristics of the lead nutrition strategy is personalization. And personalization is good for both the content that will be sent and the time it will take to invest at each stage. So every action you take to nurture leads should have 100% of your attention.

Personalized emails generate a return up to 6 times greater than those who are not.

For a lead nutrition strategy to work, you must know your leads . This means understanding the demands and wishes of your potential customers. In this way, you can send material that educates them and that strengthens their relationship with your brand. For this process to work effectively, you must define the profile of your ideal student and get it right.

Another essential point to do lead nutrition is to have marketing automation tools. After all, nutrition needs to be automated . This allows your team to optimize their time, not work multiple times doing the same task or eventually human failures appear in the process. Take advantage of what technology can do for your company!

Actions to be carried out for lead nutrition

Regardless of the reason your company has to invest in lead nutrition in search of better results, there are some essential actions that must be carried out by all companies. Thus, effective and complete results can be guaranteed. Here are some examples:

  • Offer educational and relevant materials via permission e-mail marketing;
  • Produce good materials for social networks, that educate and attract your leads;
  • Make it easier for leads to search for your products and services;
  • Show how the solutions offered by your company can help that person;
  • Show that your company has great authority in the market.

Tips to generate qualified leads from google ads

Benefits of lead nutrition

Any company, regardless of the segment in which it operates, can carry out lead nutrition actions. Look at these examples of companies that have experienced positive changes in their operations:

  • According to a study by market intelligence firm Aberdeen Group, companies that do marketing automation through a stream of lead nutrition increase conversion rates by 53% . Also, they go from having a 3.1% growth in annual performance compared to companies that do not use this tool.
  • According to a DemandGen Report report, emails originating from nutrition cycles have 4 to 10 times more responses compared to traditional emails.
  • Also, according to Nucleus Research data, marketing automation leads to an increase in sales team productivity of an average of 14.5% . In addition, it reduces by 12.2% the costs of the company for marketing.
  • Market2Lead also has some interesting facts. Leads that go through a nutrition stage have a 23% shorter purchase cycle , compared to others that did not.

Lead nutrition put into practice

Understand from the beginning that the results of lead nutrition can take time to notice. But they will appear, so do not despair and think that the results will justify the investment made.

Also, remember that lead nutrition actions are cyclical . In other words, it is not enough just to nurture the relationship with the lead; you need to maintain that relationship even after purchase.

After consolidating the sale, solidify your relationship with the customer. Thus, you will be more likely to become a loyal customer and even more, you will be able to spread your brand on their social networks and group of contacts.

Now that you know the importance of this strategy, it is time that you invest in it correctly and take advantage of the results that lead nutrition brings to your company. If you want to get benefited with the organic channels, it’ll be great to get in touch with the seo for small business for your website.

Do you already carry out any action of this nature? What do you think of this marketing and relationship strategy? Comment and share with us your opinion on the subject!

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