How To Create Assignments That Interests Students?

You assigned an assignment to students and on submission, you notice that numerous assignments are copied with few changes. However, some of them are totally absurd while few of them are striking and make you think that these students took cheap assignment writing services in the UK. Wondering what is the reason behind all this? What makes students disinterested in assignments and hiring Professional Assignment Writers?
Well, it is the conventional assignments that are not effective in recent times. Things have changed, the way you never witnessed the world stop because of a pandemic. Similarly, education transformed drastically, the continuation of traditional ways of teaching prompts students to hire professional assignment writing services. Thus, new and active teaching methodologies and modern assignments are inevitable to grab the interest of students. Therefore, design and assign assignments that interest students and make them do assignments themselves. There is nothing hard and fast thing about creating such assignments.
Assignments That Engages Students
In effect, explore the world of teachers who are successful in creating assignments that interest their students. Take inspiration from them to create assignments that prompt students to complete themselves and prevent them from taking Cheap Assignment Writing Services in the UK.
Before We Begin…
Identify The Goal Assignment
First, it is you who need to settle. It is the teacher who needs to set up the goal of the assignment. Identify the purpose why you want to assign that lengthy assignment to students and with a week’s deadline. However, it is obvious, you want to assess students’ subject knowledge or any relevant skills. For example, you assign students a descriptive assignment to summarize the entire course in 8-10 pages (page size: A4). Eventually, you will get the same results, one will complete it while others will copy it. Whereas, others will get it done by professional assignment writers. Thus, it is not the best way to assess the critical thinking of students, it could be better with creating a summary of a page or two. That is enough to conclude a course.
Value Your Students
Students love teachers who respect them and value them. Therefore, they respect them back, it is more like give and take as it always has been. A teacher must know what students are capable of. For instance, you cannot assign a primary student with complex equations to solve or abundant piece of writing. It will be too challenging and frustrating for them. We all know students hate assignments either way and assigning assignments that do not match their competency worsens the matters. Comprehending your students’ level of competency and intelligence makes it easier for you to create assignments that interest them.
Often just hand over assignments but little do they know that their students are capable of it. They are unaware of the skills of their students. In contrast, they do not even know if the students know to format, documenting, styling, or have required research skills. Moreover, teachers are also unaware of the writing skills of the students, with what writing format they are uncomfortable or comfortable with. Therefore, learning more about students is essential to convert the assignments.
Let Us Begin With Creating Assignments
Creating assignments is not much of a great deal when you know your students and their competency level, skills, and standard. Comprehending students’ capabilities is essential to assess their skills and knowledge with assignments. Once you are done figuring out what contents your students, you are good to design an assignment. When done, keep the following things in mind;
Define Benefits Of The Assignment
Simply assigning a pile of work is not the job of a teacher. Students find it rude and unethical, making them think that teacher is careless about them. To avoid this, as a teacher, you must define the purpose of the assignment and how will it benefit them. Besides, assuming that students already understand it does not work in any way.
Thus, when you identify the accomplishment by completing an assignment, an understanding among you and the students is developed. You have to be transparent to make students share their problems and confusion with the assignment. Otherwise, the results are disturbing for both. Therefore, motivate them to complete assignments by just letting them know the importance of the assignment.
Define Your Requirements
Often teachers deploy assignments that leave students confused and they wish the teacher had provided a sample. Why? They keep wondering what skills are to be tested in the assignment. Therefore, define your requirements with the correct use of words. For instance, asking students to comment on a topic makes it confusing. However, use proper verbs such as to define, analyze, argue, explain, etc. to define the requirements of the assignments.
Besides, in case of any problem-solving or numerical assignment, provide complete data with a referring example. Ease students with finding a similar question and then completing the assignment.
Define Target Audience
It is normal that students while writing assignments are confused about whether to use “I” or “we”. The reason for this is the undefined targeted audience, they do not know for whom they are writing. As a result, they end up writing addressing the teacher and this is not what you wanted them to do.
Thus, define the target audience, convey to them for whom they are writing the assignment. In the case of numerical problems, it is unnecessary.
Define Format And Styling
No matter how well the assignment is written, it will still be inadequate because of the improper formatting and styling. Therefore, provide students with complete requirements for an assignment including the fonts style, writing format, word count, documentation style, etc. Clear the execution of assignments to receive a well-versed assignment from every student.
Define Evaluation Criteria
Clarifying the marking of the assignment motivates students to effectively write an assignment. When students are unaware of the grading, it frustrates them, and often think it weighs negligible when it does not. Therefore, you must disclose the evaluation criteria of an assignment. Besides, weigh grades according to the difficulty and length of the assignment. Avoid grading less for lengthy assignments, it distresses students and of course, is unfair to the students.
Provide Relevant Materials
As a teacher, assigning assignments is not just part of your job. Students ask more than that to write an assignment that is not awful. Therefore, provide complete relevant materials required for the effective completion of an assignment. In contrast, write a descriptive description to make students understand the assignments and their needs.
However, relevant materials can be the handouts, notes, books, pdfs, etc. related to the assignment. Moreover, provide resources for students as a sample to the assignment to make it clearer to them.
What Assignments To Assign And What Not?
Indeed, is the question of the century as to what kind of assignments to assign and what not. Here are a few dos and don’ts of creating an effective assignment.
- Keep it short. Ask students to develop the shortest summary of a course, subject, or topic that includes all the key information and discussions.
- Create questions that require the critical thinking abilities of a student. Ask questions that make students stop and ponder over them.
- Avoid lengthy assignments. In case you are giving them, assign it in a series of multiple assignments to be done daily or set dates for submission of each sequence.
- Set a fair deadline. Ensure that students do not rush the process so that they are left with no excuses for a bad quality assignment.
Undoubtedly, assignments are an inevitable part of our lives. Each degree has a series of assignments to get it. Therefore, students have to do it either. Hence, do a favor on them and offer them some leniency for effective conversion of the assignment. Make assignments that interest them and also assess their knowledge and skills. In addition, feel free to add your insights to the discussion.