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How to Create a Folder in Mac

Let’s us know how to create a folder in mac.

About Apple

Apple Inc, founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, is one of the Big Five companies in the United States Information and Technology industry. 

It is mainly known for its hardware products which include iPhones,  iPads among the mobile devices, and also has a line of wearable technology (the iWatch) and personal computers (iMac and MacBook). All these have seamless connectivity amongst themselves thanks to the OS that Apple makes itself. 


Apple Products

iPhones are based on Apple’s iOS mobile operating system and are one of the largest mobile smartphone platforms alongside Andriod, providing flagships such as iPhone 12 Pro Max powered by Apple’s A14 Bionic chipset to affordable iPhone SE which is based on the previous year A13 Bionic chip with iPhone 13 around the corner.


The product lineup also includes iPads which are tablet computers that come with Apple’s iPad are very popular among the content creators and the students for on-the-go video editing and notes taking, respectively. 


The newest product in this lineup is the iPad Air which is powered by the A14 Bionic chip. It comes with a great accessory for students and content creators, Apple Pencil, which helps in notes taking professional graphic content creation. 


The next product in the line up is the Apple Watch, the newest being the Apple Watch Series 6 packed with an Apple S6 processor, which is a dual-core 64-bit processor and claims to be 20 percent faster than the previous generation and the most affordable being the Apple Watch SE powered by Apple S5 processor. They come with various sensors like SPO2, Heart rate sensors, etc., to monitor health effectively. 


Latest Products

There are several other products in this lineup, like the Apple TV, a digital media player, AirPods, which are truly wireless earphones. And recently, AirPods Max headphones, but the most important product in this lineup is the Mac personal computers. The original Mac was the first successful mass-market personal computer to feature a Graphical User Interface, a mouse, and a built-in screen. 


Apple products are known for their smooth and superior functioning and their interconnectivity. However, sometimes these machines might catch a virus that can be very dangerous for your device. This needs to be looked into immediately, and ( can be consulted to do the necessary steps to get rid of the virus that may have entered your computer. 


The Macintosh family of computers used to come with a variety of different processors such as Motorolla 68000, PowerPC by IBM, Intel x86 based processors, and recently Apple’s ARM-based processor named M1, which was inspired by the ARM A14 chip and is deployed in the newest Apple MacBook Air, Mac Mini and the MacBook Pro succeeding the previous generations of Intel-powered MacBooks. 


The MacBook and the iMac are powered by Apple’s proprietary operating system, the macOS, the recent version being the macOS Big Sur. 


Create a Folder in Mac

Next, we are going to discuss how to create a New Folder on the Mac. Whether it is a document, pictures, music, or apps, all are organised in folders within our Mac; we can create new folders while creating new documents or do other works to keep things organised. 


To create a New Folder, please follow the given steps.

  • On your Mac, Click the Finder icon in the Dock, which will open a Finder window, then navigate to where you want to create the New Folder. Alternatively, you can also click the desktop if you wish to create the New Folder on the desktop. 
  • After navigating to the desired directory where you want to create the New Folder go to Choose File > New Folder or press Shift-Command-N.
  • If the New Folder command is dimmed, you can’t create a folder in the current location.
  • Enter the name for the folder, then press return. After creating a folder, you might want to move some items into the folder; for that, you can follow the given steps.\

Moving items:

  • On your Mac, click the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window.
  • Then you can do any of the following steps to move some items into the folder.
  • If you want to put a single item in a folder, you can simply drag it to the folder.
  • If you want to put several items in a folder, you have to select the items you want to move and then drag one of the items to the folder. All selected items will move to the folder.
  • If you want to keep the item in its original location and put a copy in the folder, you have to select the item, press and hold the option key, and then drag it to the folder.
  • If you want to keep the item in its original location and put an alias for it in a new folder, you have to press and hold the Option and Command keys, then drag the item to the folder to create the alias.
  • If you want to make a copy of an item within the same folder, you have to select the item you want to copy, choose File > Duplicate or press Command-D.
  • If you want to copy files to a different disk, you have to drag the files you want to copy.
  • If you want to move files to a different disk, you have to press and hold the Command Key, then drag the files you wish to move to the disk.

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