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How Continued Education Can Help You Advance In Your Career

Employees are driven by the prospect of career growth, according to research. Advancing at work keeps us interested in our job, creative in our strategies, and eager about opportunities in our future, whether they be additional responsibility, bigger projects, or salary increases.

What if you’ve done everything you can to establish that you are qualified and prepared to be promoted, but it doesn’t happen?

Working hard is always a phrase you will hear, but you do not work so hard that you need to search for work injury attorneys in your area. The phrase “work smarter, not harder” comes to mind, which is why education can be extremely beneficial to career advancement.

There are actions you can take to sharpen your talents, focus your objectives, and invest in yourself to further your career if you are determined to make this kind of beneficial career shift.

Further Your Education

Choosing to return to school, regardless of where you are in your educational path, may have a significant impact on where you can go in your career. Whether it’s earning a bachelor’s degree, committing to a master’s or doctoral program, or just taking courses specific to your career to sharpen a certain skill set, any work you put into further developing yourself and your knowledge will greatly improve your chances of moving up in your career.

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The Importance of Lifelong Learning Today

In 2016, research suggested that around 35% of professionals believed they didn’t have the level of education needed to advance their careers. To take back control of their career paths, many professionals enrolled in school again to obtain further knowledge of the skill set they need to move up in their careers. This is a strategy that is more popular in today’s culture, as almost half of working adults participate in ongoing training to develop and hone the skills most relevant to their job.

Working Americans have also begun to realize that they must continue to acquire new talents throughout the course of their careers to keep on top of shifting trends. In fact, over half of workers feel that they need to continue skill training to stay relevant in the workforce.

The link between job growth and additional education is considerably stronger for those without a bachelor’s degree. There’s close to 60% more career prospects for those with college degrees than those without. A study showed that the typical college graduate makes nearly $1 million more over the course of their working life than a non-college grad. Instead of settling for less, we are seeing a lot more professionals furthering their edition to attain their professional ambitions.

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How You Are Seen At Work When You Enroll In School

Why do companies place such a high value on education? Companies often seek individuals to promote who they can invest in, who will evolve with the company and become the employees who can always take care of the job, no matter the requirements. Returning to school demonstrates that make you a good candidate for development, because you:

– Take charge of your objectives.

– Are prepared to put in the effort to reach your objectives

– Take lifelong education serious

Your company will begin to regard you as a top candidate for a promotion or bigger role if you prove that you are prepared to put in the effort to grow with the business by honing your abilities.

The Value of Education: Inside and Outside the Classroom

Earning a bachelor’s degree may help advance your career in a variety of ways, but arguably the most important is the increased development of a skill set that is pertinent to your chosen profession via an efficient curriculum. Most of the time, college professors will be knowledgeable in the industry they teach, meaning they will have real-world experience that will benefit you through their lessons.

This method for undergraduate education has given students who are graduating and preparing to enter their careers a new sense of confidence. A 2018 poll revealed that over 90% of college graduates said that the knowledge they obtained in their undergraduate classes was related to their career paths.

While real experience can help students learn specified skills they will need to advance in the industry they are headed, there are other steps students can take to broaden their skills outside the classroom. There’s also online courses, webinars or certifications they can earn that will help as well.

Making this sort of investment in yourself, regardless of how you continue your education, is a terrific way to demonstrate to your company that you’re ready to be promoted.

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