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Generation of articles as a way to promote sites

Site Promotion

When using multiplied articles or resource materials posted on the site, repetition can occur only in one case – if posted on other projects. The service for the reproduction of texts is quite popular among SEO specialists, writers, freelancers.

It usually sounds like article generation or article propagation. The meaning of ordering the reproduction of texts is that when you post the same article on the site it will not bring a normal effect, and when you post different articles, you will get non-duplicated links to your resource.


Determining the effectiveness of generated articles


Determining the effectiveness of the generated can be identified in ways that are independent of each other. There are many services for the similarity of texts. Let us take into account the program “Shingles Expert”.

When checking two generated texts, this program gave 6% matches, which, in fact, is a fairly good result. the generation of articles is a rather complicated process in itself. PS is considered to use the so-called shingle method when trying to recognize non-unique content. The meaning of this method is to find similar strings with a frequency of up to 30%.

With the high-quality generation (reproduction) of texts, the percentage of similarity will be no more than 10%, which is good. if you use online services in determining the uniqueness of materials, then you can’t find any similarities. If the user, and not the crawler, determines the similarity of the two articles, then he will probably be able to recognize the generated materials.

But we do not make the texts for humans, but for the crawler, and we will not present the reproduced articles as press releases. Reproduction of articles – quite a small number of SEO companies are involved in the provision of this service the service is very popular and practically not expensive financially.

The price for reproducing texts varies from about $ 10 to $ 20 for one thousand characters of text. Typically, the price does not depend heavily on the quality of the resulting reproduced texts. Before ordering this service, you should read the reviews about this or that company from other customers of the services.

You also do not need to order the reproduction of texts from the first representative of these services that come across. If the reproduction of materials is not well done enough, you can get hundreds of materials that are not unique. The effect of posting such articles on other people’s resources will be extremely low.


Promotion of a site/forum/blog without the use of generated texts


If you use methods of promoting resources without using multiplied articles, the overall effect of the promotion will be extremely weak, and plus this is ineffective, not cost-effective, long. Buying links to third-party resources is still a fairly common way of promotion, and it will probably remain so. Writing press releases is also a good enough way to attract potential customers to the branded resource.

But you need to know what and how to place it. Social network as a method of promotion has been and remains not a bad method of attracting the target audience. Social bookmarking services – this also does not need to be neglected because you get links to your site.

Contextual advertising is a form of promotion today remains a rather expensive form of online advertising. Contextual advertising is also a good method of attracting visitors to the site. This principle is very expensive but extremely effective.

Search engines such as Google, MSN, Mail, and others are not good for duplicate content. In particular, when creating satellites, it is worth considering the attitude of search engines to the information on the site. Naturally, finding duplicated content remains the best option. If you post such content, the risk of finding yourself in a search engine bath is extremely small.

As a result, all optimization methods are good, if used wisely. Do not forget that the generation of articles today is a good method for both promoting sites and building units of the thematic citation index as a whole.


About the author

Melisa Marzett working for essay rewriting service as a paper rewriter and traveling throughout the world, she admires the beauty of nature, people, the universe. She is thankful for what she has and the glass is always half full for her.

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