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FUE VS. FUT: Which Type of Hair Transplant is Best for You?

FUE VS. FUT: Which Type of Hair Transplant is Best for You?

What Type of Hair Transplant is Right for You?

Patients considering top hair transplant in delhi, Mumbai or Jaipur often ask “What type of hair transplant is best?”

There are many things to consider when deciding between FUT or FUE. This guide will help you understand the differences between FUT and FUE hair transplants. It will also provide information about costs and the best candidates. You will get the best results with a personalized consultation. Reach out to the Artius Clinic to get a hair transplant in mumbai low cost.

What Types of Hair Transplant Procedures Are Available at hair transplant clinics?

Two main hair transplant methods are commonly used: FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), and FUE (Follicular Unit Extract). Both of these techniques are effective in restoring thicker hair that looks natural.

What Does a Hair Transplant Cost?

When considering hair transplant cosmetic surgery in navi mumbai, the first thing many people ask is how much it will cost. Hair transplants are not a fixed cost. The average cost of a hair transplant can vary greatly. Most hair transplants cost based on the number of grafts required to cover the area.

The cost of your final hair transplant depends on many factors, including how long your hair has been lost and what type of procedure was performed.

FUE Hair Transplants


Each hair follicular unit of FUE is taken from the scalp. Your doctor can remove hair follicles in random order, which allows them to harvest hair from the donor region with less visible thinning. Follicular Unit Extraction is a method of removing hair from the scalp using tiny circular incisions.

Two types of FUE hair transplants are available: Robotic FUE and Manual FUE.

Manual FUE hair transplants are performed by a doctor using a handheld device that extracts individual hair follicles.

Robotic FUE is a procedure that uses a robot to transplant hair. The physician guides the device. The doctor selects the desired amount of hair to harvest and maps the donor area. The doctor does not harvest donor grafts. Instead, the ARTAS robot completes the harvesting process. This technological marvel in medicine offers unmatched precision and accuracy.

High Quality Graft

The computer-controlled ARTAS FUE system can perform real-time 3D analysis of every hair follicle and calculate its characteristics. This allows the robot to select the strongest and healthiest follicles to harvest and transplant.

Natural Looking Results

The ARTAS FUE method transplants hairs in their natural groups, leaving no linear scars. This gives your hair a natural look and allows you to cut your hair as long as you want without worrying about visible scarring.

There is no pain during or after treatment

The FUE procedure is similar to going to the dentist. It uses local anaesthesia to minimize discomfort. Many patients feel minimal pain after or during FUE transplants because they are minimally invasive.

Very Short Recovery Time

FUE transplants are quick and painless. Many people can return to their normal activities in a matter of days. The entire procedure takes only 8 hours.

Donor Area: Minimal Scarring

The donor area’s appearance and density are affected because the follicles were harvested in an irregular fashion. FUE is the best choice for those who prefer to keep their hair short at the ends. The donor area appears unaffected.


The ARTAS robotic hair transplant is a great option for men with thinning hair or balding at their tops or fronts. It is important to consider the density and stability in your hair area before the hair can be transplanted.

FUE is an excellent option for patients who don’t qualify for FUT because of their hair loss or soft scalp.


FUE transplants typically cost $9,000. FUE transplants typically cost $9,000.


FUE transplants are just as successful as traditional FUT methods, with graft survival rates as high as 90%. Robotic FUE technology can increase the success rate to as high as 100 per cent. The success rate of a procedure is determined by the skills, knowledge, and experiences of the doctor who performs it.

FUT Hair Transplants

Follicular Unit Transplantation, also called the “strip technique”, involves removing a thin, long piece of tissue from the back part of the scalp. Stereo-microscopic dissection is used to separate individual follicular units from the strip.

After the follicles are removed, the wound can be closed, leaving behind a very fine, linear scar.


Recoverable Time

A FUT procedure usually takes between 10-12 days to recover. FUT can cause more discomfort than other procedures. This is due to the potential swelling around the area where the scalp was removed. These cases may warrant the use of pain medication.

Follicle Survival Rates Higher

FUT is a method of removing hair from the donor zone, where the majority of hair is permanent. Patients with limited hair availability in their donor area may be recommended for FUT treatment. FUT allows for the careful harvesting of follicles while keeping the protective tissue intact, to ensure that grafts are strong and high-quality.

Natural Looking Results

You will be left with a very small, straight scar. It should not exceed 1mm in diameter. It is easily hidden by the surrounding hair, making it virtually invisible.

FUT hair transplants are small, naturally occurring hairs that are transplanted in groups of one to four hairs. This allows you to have fuller hair and hide the fact that your hair transplant was performed.

There is no additional scarring with subsequent sessions

No matter how many procedures a patient has, there is only one scar. FUE, on the other hand, leaves only one scar with each follicle.


FUT is recommended when a patient is primarily looking for fullness in hair restoration. It is a better option than FUE for patients with significant balding in the crown region of the head. It provides better coverage and more fullness.


The cost of a FUT procedure will vary depending on how large the case is. The average cost of a FUT procedure is around $7000 plus any applicable HST. FUT procedures are generally less expensive than FUE Artas Robotic.


Any method, including FUT, has a success rate that depends on the skill of the doctor. FUT transplants can be performed by an experienced physician with success rates of 95-98%. It is normal for transplanted hair follicles not to grow back after a transplant. This is part of the natural lifecycle and transplant process.

Which hair transplant method is best?

Both options are great for those with hair loss. You should talk to your surgeon about which option is best for you when choosing FUE or FUT hair transplant.

Your doctor and you should talk about your goals and expectations. You will also discuss the required number of follicular units to achieve the desired coverage. This will allow you and your surgeon to decide the best method for hair transplantation.

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