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Home Improvement

Five Air Conditioner Blunders to Avoid This Summer

Summers brings with it the scorching heat, and all we can think about is how to escape it. Those who work in air-conditioned offices spend their time without worrying about keeping them comfortable. However, post-office hours, it might become difficult as you have to deal with your home air conditioners. 

An air-conditioner is a high functioning unit with a complex mechanism. It comprises various smaller components which require it to be in good condition so that a steady air-flow is maintained. You can keep your system in top condition through regular maintenance and repairs, to avoid sleepless and sweaty nights. 

It isn’t difficult to say whether your air conditioner is in good shape or it requires maintenance. There are certain tells which can be regarded as signs to understand the poor functioning of your system. Some of these include poor air quality, leakage from the unit, different kinds of grinding and squealing sounds, thermostat problems and more. 

For thermostat settings, service and air conditioner repair in Melbourne,  you must avoid following mistakes.

  • Installing the wrong sized unit

Each space has its own cooling requirements. Opting for a bigger unit is not always good. It may result in uncomfortable temperature changes and higher power usage. The unit will be subject to a loop of readjustments and eventually wear out faster. 

On the other hand, if you opt for a smaller unit, it will take longer to cool the space, resulting in the unit working overtime to maintain the temperature. 

This is why it is best to get the load calculated for your home’s cooling capacity. This will help you to understand the exact size of the air conditioner you should get installed. 

  • Insufficient replacement or cleaning of the air filter  

Cleaning of air filters regularly will help maintain air quality. The air filters of your unit prevent dirt and debris from entering within. As a result, it gets clogged. It is advisable to check your air filters every month, for high-efficiency filters last longer. If the filters aren’t changed regularly, it will affect your energy bills. 

  • Incorrect Placement

The location of your air unit will affect the cooling of your space. Please place it in the shade and ensure there is adequate ventilation. Even the placement of the outdoor unit needs to be correct for comfortable cooling. 

  • Ignoring Heat Sources

Keeping the doors and windows closed will help you maintain the temperature within. Window seals must be checked to avoid leakage of the cooler air. If possible, replace single-pane windows with double-panel windows. Use thick curtains to avoid sunlight from entering. Keep them closed during the hottest months.  

  • Neglecting Routine Maintenance

Regular maintenance will keep your air conditioner in top condition. If you aren’t sure of your system’s health, contact professional air conditioning repair service, experts. They will inspect the system and fix it in case of faults. 

If you avoid the above-stated blunders, it will help you keep your system in top condition all round year. 

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