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Food and Drink

Feeding Fodder to Beef Cattle: Here Are The Habits You Need To Know About

Among other fodder like wheat, beef seeds continue to stay as one of the most prominent crops for cattle breeding. Feed grains have long been associated as one of the primary nutrients received by cattle. 

Thanks to the milling qualities of certain manufacturers like S&W Seed Co, they add to the nutritional input of the cattle. When fed with caution, they help minimize digestive disturbances; feed-grade wheat provides a tasty, digestible source of nutrients that may be utilized in beef cattle diets.

But, what are the other things you need to know about? Let’s figure it out! 

Cattle Feeding Habits To Know

When feeding your cattle, wheat levels and other feed grains in the ration should be kept to a minimum, depending on the health and feeding habitats. Wheat should be offered alongside more fermented feeds that are moderate for their health. You can later switch to a high-grain diet, improving the concentration to 50 percent, limiting it to 40 percent of the diet.

Further, it’s crucial to slowly and gradually increase the diet of the cattle and increase the feed in their diet. This way, you can easily minimize overconsumption. 

Here’s A Smart Trick To Cattle Feeding, Without Overfeeding Them: 

Adapt cattle by introducing beef seeds, wheat, and other edible grains into the ration at a modest level (10 to 15% of the diet) and gradually increasing the amount (10, 20, 30, up to 40%) after many days of consistent consumption and hunger.

In addition to restricting the number of feed grains that are provided, try putting additional grains into the mix. You could try immunity-building grains like corn to gradually adapt to the cattle. 

Further, effective bunk management has been demonstrated to be beneficial when using wheat in the ration.

An ionophore will assist in minimizing acidosis and overconsumption in growing and finishing cattle. According to a study, the addition of antibiotics and ionophore combinations to diets based on wheat and other fooders enhances feed efficiency.

Check Out These Recommendations For Your Cattle! 

  1. Cattle should be progressively adapted to diets based on wheat and fodder, starting with low levels (some 10-15 percent) and improving the levels to nearly double (30-40 percent) over two to three weeks.
  2. Wheat should be rolled roughly or cracked for best results rather than finely milled. Different types of hard-to-eat feed should be maintained at around 5 to 6 pounds per head when used as a supplement for beef cows.
  3. Wheat should be provided every day if used as a supplement (instead of every other day or every third day). Wheat should not be used in creep rations. The fast pace of starch fermentation raises the danger of digestive issues such as bloat.

Now You Know!

So that’s your roundup on cattle feeding! All the best! We hope that now you have a complete idea of what you need to feed your cattle with this article. 

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