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Everything About Coffee Machines – Read This Before Making A Purchase

An espresso or a coffee machine brews coffee by forcing the pressurized water. They all do it near the boiling point through a “puck” of ground coffee. Here there is a filter that will produce a thick and concentrated coffee. This is called espresso. Luigi Bezzera made the first machine for making this espresso in the early 1900s. By then, the founder of the La Pavoni company took the patent, and after that, in 1905, they made espresso machines commercially. It first started on a small scale in Milan. There are many machine designs in the world. They all are invented to produce espresso easily and in less time. 

Nearly all the coffee machines for cafes share some of the common elements. They include the group head and a portafilter. Here the espresso machine also has a steam wand. This is used to steam and also froth all the liquids. This may include water or milk. They all are ideal for making coffee drinks such as cappuccino and any good caffe latte.

Prominent features of an espresso machine

Usually, all the Espresso machines are steam-driven, piston-driven, pump-driven, or air-pump-driven. Here the machines may be manual, or they can be automatic. But before having a coffee machine, a person should have a finer grind of coffee powder. This allows a larger surface area to contact the water or milk. This process helps in the complete extraction of caffeine and flavor from the coffee bean. The espresso machine differs according to the type of coffee that a person wants to drink. Turkish coffee and espresso are always made with finer ground coffee beans. French press and cold brew coffee require a coarse or extra coarse end. The pour-overs and the drip coffee styles use medium-fine to medium-range ground coffee beans. 

Most coffee machines for cafes we see today will not heat the coffee beans to a very high temperature. This keeps the quality intact. This is a very important step. 

History of this machine

One of the first machines for making coffee was built, and Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy patente it. He demonstrated the working example of the machine at the Turin General Exposition. He did it in the year of 1884. After that, he got patent no. 33/256. It is dated 16 May 1884. This is the beginning of the history of the coffee machine.  

In 1901, Luigi Bezzera of Milan patented the improvements that he made to the machine. The best part is that he was not an engineer but a simple mechanic. After that, he also patented a large number of improvements. This thing came on the year 19 December 1901. Here the title was given  “Innovations in the machinery to prepare and immediately serve coffee beverages”. 

After that in 1933, a Hungarian-Italian Francesco Illy invented the first automatic coffee machine. This was a breakthrough as this replaced the pressurized water for steam. 

Here you can learn more about the coffee machines throughout the year. Here, a person can also streamline, accelerate, and know more about the coffee machines and their progress and then enter the coffee industry. A coffee machine should also have the required certification to work for a company. It is also very important. A certificate will act as a value for the coffee machine, and here it also tells the working of the machine. 

You can know more about the coffee machines for cafes from the internet and visit the websites of all the schools and institutions where the coffee machines for the cafe are available. You will also receive the full manual on operating all the machines, and they are also trained properly to prepare all the different kinds of coffee based on the guidelines of the roster or shop owner. Here you can also learn this craft by buying a coffee machine and going to a barista training program. You can get all the training in-person or online. It would be best if you choose whichever is suitable for you.

Apart from the preparation of espresso and other beverages and general customer service, there are many types of machines that do the entire process of coffee to effectively prepare a desired cup of coffee, including maintenance and the programming of the machine grinding methods, roasting. And after that was making coffee. 

Kinds of coffee machine

  • The steam coffee machine

This machine is a steam-driven unit. Here the machine puts water through the coffee using steam or high steam pressure. You should also know that the first espresso machines were steam types. In this machine, you can produce multiple types of coffee simultaneously. This is a design that you can still use in a cafe. This is a very low-cost consumer machine. You will also see that this machine does not have any moving parts. These machines also give high-quality coffee as there is pressure for extraction. Here you can make a hallmark of an espresso. These machines also give high-quality coffee as there is pressure for extraction. Here you can make a hallmark of an espresso. 

  • Single boiler coffee machines

You can only use this machine to brew. Here you cannot steam your coffee as a single boiler. These machines are relatively very uncommon. The single boiler, dual-use, is very good for making coffee. Some of the home pump espresso machines use a single chamber. Here you can make coffee by heating water to brewing temperature, and then you can boil the water for steaming the milk. However, the main drawback you will come across is that it can perform only one operation at a time. It also requires a warm-up period between the work. So die to this it is not the best for coffee machines in cafe.

  • Heat exchanger machine

Some of the coffee machines use a single boiler that keeps the coffee at a steaming temperature. Here you can simply take some heat from the steam without rising the temperature. Although the water for brewing remains at a very low range than that required, this is also very hot for steaming the milk. Here, you will also find it hard to make coffee as it is too hot to make a proper coffee extraction.  

  • Air-pump-driven coffee machine

This is the most recent machine. These are simply air-pump-driven espresso machines, and this is very popular nowadays. This is ideal for making coffee on a large scale and very good for making coffee at a cafe. This machine uses compressed air to force the hot water through the coffee grounds. This has a very similar mechanism to other types of coffee machines. Here you can provide the compressed air from a hand pump, or the N2 or CO2 cartridges or an electric compressor. 


Here a person can make coffee machines from stainless steel. This is one of the most suitable and durable materials, always used to make coffee and coffee beans. Many machines nowadays use zinc alloy. This material is perhaps the most common thing used in coffee grinders. Here the zinc alloy is made up of a mixture of metals. Here chrome plating is also given on the grinder to prevent corrosion. It is also a very good material for making all types of coffee and espresso.

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