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drug addiction treatment center in Lahore Pakistan

How to quit smoking

One reason is nicotine, which is highly addictive, both physically and mentally. Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore Nicotine reaches the brain in seconds with each puff of a cigarette, and can have both calming and stimulating effects. If you continue to use tobacco, you will also become accustomed to smoking in your daily life. This often makes it difficult to quit. If you want to quit smoking, visit the Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore .


Maintaining hope during addiction treatment will fortify your recovery journey

10 tips from the Smoke free Line counselling team

Find a personal reason to quit.

Say to yourself: “I’m starting a smoke-free life for my teeth.”

Set a quit date

Set a date. Put it in your calendar. Make sure you stick to it.

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Make a plan

How do you distract yourself when the urge to smoke arises? What rituals do you want to replace your smoking habit with in the long term? What will be useful for you?

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Talk about it

Inform your loved ones and ask for their understanding if you are temporarily upset.

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Do the work.

Stop smoking completely from day one. It will cost you less energy than cutting down gradually. You’ll reach your goal faster.

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Get people around you to smoke

Free Before you quit, throw away your tobacco, ashtrays and lighters everywhere. Ask the people around you to stop offering you cigarettes Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore.

Get from

Medical help Nicotine-containing medicines from the pharmacy are not addictive, but they can help relieve withdrawal symptoms. There are also prescription medicines that make it easier to quit smoking.

Watch out for non-smokers

How do non-smokers cope with stress? How do they take breaks? What do you do while waiting or after eating? Mimic them.

Don’t be discouraged by mistakes.

Keep your wits about you and try again. With every attempt you learn and your chances of success increase.

With professional help, it’s easier Call smoke-free on Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore . Get effective support to prepare and succeed. Preferably with several free calls.


With the help of a self-check sheet, you can become more aware of your smoking habits and learn to recognise risky situations that make you want a cigarette.

When you quit, you leave your old smoking habits behind and replace them with new, more attractive ones. This is an effective way to avoid failure and relapse. Distracting yourself and focusing on new habits is particularly helpful.

Employment strategies

Explore a variety of strategies you can use when you feel the need for a cigarette.

Smoking is often linked to a habit (drinking coffee, talking on the phone, waiting for the bus).

The irresistible urge to smoke – also called craving – usually lasts only one to three minutes. Employment is a good way to resist cravings.


Experienced counsellors will be able to support you in changing your behaviour. Or you may be referred for a gradual reduction of nicotine dependence with the help of nicotine-containing medications, thereby reducing withdrawal symptoms Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore.


E-cigarettes are not a recognised smoking cessation aid. The modification of tobacco cigarettes, the e-cigarette, allows smokers to avoid exposure to pollutants from tobacco combustion. For smokers who cannot or do not want to quit, e-cigarettes may be a less harmful alternative than traditional cigarettes, provided that they switch completely to these products.

Medical support


You can buy nicotine replacement products (Nicorette, Nicotinell) from a pharmacy to reduce withdrawal symptoms. These are available in the form of patches, inhalation solutions, chewing gum, various types of lozenges and mouthpastes. Or visit one of the drug abuse treatment centres in Lahore.

Varenicline can help you quit smoking because it gradually makes the ingredients in cigarettes ineffective (radiation smoking).

Bupropion is prescribed by your doctor. This medicine reduces the craving for cigarettes and the most severe withdrawal symptoms.

Talk to your doctor if you think the medicine will make it easier for you to stop smoking.

Weight control when quitting smoking

Many people who quit smoking worry about gaining weight. On average, people gain four to five kilograms within 12 months of quitting. Remember, however, that the benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the disadvantages of gaining weight.

Alternative methods

Some smokers manage to quit using alternative or complementary medicine. There are a number of methods of quitting, such as acupuncture, hypnosis or relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or yoga. Whether and how someone responds to it varies greatly from person to person. The key to quitting smoking is your motivation. Try to maintain your determination to quit smoking during the first difficult days and weeks. you should visit a drug treatment centre in Lahore.

Above all, you are still in the process. You have had remarkable success, giving up many cigarettes. Which cigarettes have you done without? What are the obstacles? With the new protocol, you can analyze your relapse and learn the essentials. You can then review the new measures and adapt your personal smoking cessation tips to the analysis. Are weight issues the trigger? Or mood swings? You will benefit from this crisis as you learn more about your smoking cessation behavior.

Effects on the body:

Smoking has many effects on the body. Some go away faster when you quit, others take longer. The immediate symptoms, smoker’s cough and shortness of breath, disappear very quickly. The lungs will clear themselves within a few weeks or nine months at the latest; the hair in the lungs will grow back. In this area, the ex-smoker recovers to the level of a non-smoker quite quickly.

For the more serious health risks associated with smoking, it takes a little longer. Smokers are known to have a significantly increased risk of heart attack. Even five cigarettes a day increases this risk by 50%. This is due to the accompanying substances in the smoke, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrogen cyanide. These lead to constant small inflammations on the inner walls of blood vessels, and these substances literally thicken the blood and increase its viscosity. At the same time, blood pressure increases with every cigarette, which increases the likelihood not only of a heart attack, but also of a stroke. Studies show that a 60-year-old smoker has about the same risk of a heart attack as an 80-year-old non-smoker.

Medical treatment

Medication or nicotine replacement products help to better manage any withdrawal symptoms. However, they cannot replace active smoking behavior change.

Nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy uses nicotine products (e.g. gum, patches, inhaler or tablets) to build up nicotine levels, with the dose gradually reduced over the course of treatment. This can relieve or prevent withdrawal symptoms. The products are available from pharmacies without a prescription.

Smoking cessation medicines

To support quitting and prevent relapse, your doctor may also prescribe special prescription medications that affect addictive behaviors, such as antidepressants or medications approved for smoking cessation.

Nicotine replacement therapy uses nicotine products (such as gum, patches, inhaler or tablets) to build up nicotine levels and the dose is gradually reduced over the course of treatment. This can relieve or prevent withdrawal symptoms.

Nicotine replacement therapy uses nicotine products (such as gum, patches, inhaler or tablets) to build up nicotine levels and the dose is gradually reduced over the course of treatment. This can relieve or prevent withdrawal symptoms Drug Addiction Treatment Center in Lahore.

Nicotine replacement therapy uses nicotine products (such as gum, patches, inhaler or tablets) to build up nicotine levels and the dose is gradually reduced over the course of treatment. This can relieve or prevent withdrawal symptoms..


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