Developing Web Pages in 9 steps

As in any technical project, web page development is not an easy path. There are many fronts that we must take into account. And it is convenient to go step by step so as not to leave anything out in the process.
In this week’s article, we wanted to quickly define the steps necessary to create websites.
Define the objectives of your website
Although it seems very generic, we mean that you need to have a business plan.
What goal you want to be completed from your website?
Is it e-commerce? A services page? Setting goals will help you define the content of your website and know what type of website you need for your business.
If, on the contrary, you want to increase sales over the Internet, you will have to focus on simplifying the payment process.
In this step, you may not need any experts in web development or web design. However, it could be interesting for you to have a business consultant to know how to approach the project if you consider it. And for me, I consulted an IT Company in Dehradun to work on my project, and they did it pretty well.
Define the contents for your website
It is necessary that you take into account what you are going to say on your web pages. The contents are what will make your position in search engines if you want to bet on SEO.
It is essential that in the first phase you define very well what you want to say, what terminologies, and what vocabulary you want to use. Having a good SEO writer and communicator will be key to having a convincing result.
Prepare a mockup and wireframe
Don’t be afraid to take a piece of paper and put what you have in mind on the paper. The mockup is nothing more than a ‘sketch’, an outline, or a very basic draft of the pages and the general structure of the web.
But without going into details of texts. Just at the idea and concept level, okay? The next step will have to be taken by a designer. In reality, it is nothing more than taking your initial mockup to a digital model with interaction capacity.
Now you need a web design
Once you are clear about how you want the interaction to be, it’s time to get down to it with good web design. Any web page must address the issue of usability and design proportions that make your site design work effectively.
We must heed the advice of our designer and find a balance between our colors and those that are comfortable for the user.
Sometimes we ask for the help of a programmer friend to give us a cable. But, pay attention! A programmer is not a designer. Finding a design professional who does what really suits us to achieve our goals is key. It may be useful in such a situation to outsource your website design.
Web page development: Time to write code
Ready for the most complex? It is time to develop the project that we have planned. How quickly you want to finish the job also has a lot to do with it. The more urgency, the more equipment and development hours we will need to invest.
Remember that the more you have in advance and defined before starting the development, the easier it will be. It is recommended that you have the entire content and design topic ready for when you are looking for a developer.
Don’t forget to be… ‘Mobile-friendly’
It has its own section because it is increasingly important to attract mobile users. But also to position in search engines.
Any SEO expert will tell you that it is advisable to start by designing for mobile and then go to the web. This is what they call ‘mobile-first’ design. Still, it is not mandatory at the moment. What you should consider is having a completely ‘responsive’ website or adaptable to any mobile device.
Test, test, and test
Not only when web page development is finished, but every time you finish a phase. Testing is essential, especially if it is done by people who have not developed or designed the product. It will make us understand what we must improve at the design and usability level.
But it will also allow us to detect possible faults and see what things we must8. Launch your page
Of course, before doing so you will have to prepare a couple of things to make it a spectacular launch.
Prepare a press release. Have relevant information and images of your brand on hand. Prepare images, logos, team photos, etc.
Generate contacts to promote your site. It is recommended that you work on this before the launch and schedule actions with collaborators or influencers in your sector.
8. Marketing strategy
This section goes beyond the development of web pages to enter that of online marketing. But if you want your web development to be successful, you must pay attention to your strategy. If you have followed the recommendation to optimize content for SEO, you can resume digital marketing from this point. Bet on a web positioning strategy and start to grow in the first months.
9. Analysis and improvement of your results
How do you know if you have reached your initial goals? You surely remember the first point on this list: Define objectives. The analytics will help us to define if you have achieved the objectives and goals set at the beginning.
If you have not achieved them, you must identify why, where you fail and mark new modifications to achieve them. You are ready?
This is an ongoing process for any business or company that launches into the online world. That’s why at Eraons we help you find the right expert for every occasion. What phase are you in? Sure we can help you 😉