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Digital Marketing Digital Company Digital Company showcasing master In celebration of our solidified 175 years of history, BBDO Budapest and DDB Budapest have opened a “super studio” in the Andrassy Avenue Building. The new workplaces will be involved by BBDO associations to make tailor made publicizing manifestations in various media, from film to TV, and new virtual and extended reality development. The very current complex offers uncommon entryways for facilitated exertion, as well as comfort and security.
As per head of BBDO Hungary and Eastern Europe Dennis Loos, “The new studio is connected to offering our clients uncommon and significantly advanced experiences. Our family here are top of their game, and they constantly endeavor to improve. Collaborating in such a creative environment, we desire to encourage imaginative contemplations that will turn out to be totally alert for our clients.”

DDB Békés

All through the past two years, DDB Békés has held a studio in Andrassy Avenue that allows their gatherings to focus in on projects in an uncommon setting. New development is being utilized here, close by much greater stage and seating locale. The new region has essentially more prominent temptation for clients, as the 400 square meter studio offers a quality energy with a unimportant impression.


DDB Hír TV is based at Andrassy Avenue. Close by creative and business gatherings, the association in like manner manages an association of 14 versatile transmission vans. The creative workplaces license the association to make shows in tremendous sums.

Budapest Airport

Over at Andrassy Avenue, BBDO Hungary’s work environments are arranged in a comparable design as the Budapest Airport. The air terminal rushed to open around a similar time as the city in 1883, and BBDO’s work environments have turned into a device in this complimented neighborhood.
The workspaces are completely moved up to fulfill the strictest requirements for work quality and prosperity. All materials are intense and impeccably arranged, and that infers that working environments will remain stable during the unforgiving Hungarian winters and summers. The inside and out existing Kádáró Kitchen has been improved and acclimated to serve the high level solicitations of the staff. A relationship with the association’s documents has been made, which should help with making the narratives more open and created by BBDO and its precursors a bit more present day.

Budapest Studios

DDB Hungary’s essential office is arranged in the MTÜ building, which was worked in 1974 and has been patched up a couple of times since. This ideal work area gives significant entryways to independent work and thinks about composed exertion between all divisions. The working environment moreover gives high speed web, a wine bar, a rec focus and event space. The corridor in the construction can be used for get-togethers, talks and enlightening undertakings.


BBDO’s game plan of helpers is expansive and consolidates brands, for instance, BangBros, The Skand Group, Tastemade and Arles Wines, which is perhaps of the most modern and most well known brand on the Hungarian market. With more than 100 delegates, the work environment can be used to put forth publicizing and advancing attempts, as well as gigantic extension inventive organizations.

Creative gathering

Having become more grounded, BBDO Budapest has now transformed into an innovative amazing powerhouse, making custom publicizing for the two associations and the whole country. This is displayed in an alternate extent of adventures, from the “Netizen” online series by the now-old Kanal2 to the notable application “VOTE”.

Creative boss

Dávid Gardi and Antonio Smith are the heads of BBDO Budapest’s creative gatherings. Antonio Smith conveys with him experience from BBDO New York, as well as driving creative and methodology occupations at associations like Havas Media Group and DigitasLBi. Dávid Gardi has worked on mind-blowing and outstanding missions in Hungary over recent years, as well as filling in as creative boss at New York association Edelman and New York. Gardi, Smith and their gatherings are maintained by neighborhood studio staff who are consistently wanting to progress and make new work in various media.

Head of overall exercises

Hendrik Rancke is BBDO Hungary’s head of overall exercises. Rancke joined BBDO in 2007 as top of the London-based creative studio, DDB London, and has been instrumental in the overall augmentation of the association.

Plan studio

The BBDO Design Studio is the genuine heart of the association. Ferenc Kiss has been lead fashioner at the studio starting around 1997. As a lead organizer, Kiss has completed creative endeavors in various fields like correspondence, publicizing and displaying, including work for associations like Henkel, Mars, Sony Ericsson and Sony Music.


In its progress to the MTÜ building, BBDO Budapest has placed assets into the best of advancement. The work is done on PCs running Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Windows 7. BBDO Hungary similarly has a huge gathering of valuable resources for help it with becoming new and creative advancing endeavors. “Like” accounts, heat guides and all around examination are used to explore. The advancement of missions and inspect potential client social occasions. In addition, how they attract with takes note. In the work environment, phenomenal hardships are set to help newbies with making capacities in the creative region.

From thought to finished work

The art of advancing is a long and complex one, and productive associations need to convey different kinds of work. To work with this, BBDO Budapest gives a creative, significant and convincing environment that keeps all of its agents inspired to convey innovative and significant work.

High level assembling plant

Lately, the association furthermore moved to the latest period of Digital Factory equipment. The new structure enables its creation assistants to get to the latest programming headways. Besides, convey advanced creation organizations for major overall brands

Corporate picture

There are a ton of inspirations to make Budapest your next home. Contact BBDO Hungária today, so you can apply your arrangements to brands like Ford, Wrigley, Coca-Cola, P&G, Adidas and Hewlett-Packard.


Budapest Studio is looking for a partner to assist in the creation with gathering. The new kid on the block should have something like 2 years experience in progress/photo or an associated field. The occupation can be either full-time or parttime. Additional necessities recollect commonality for English and a worldwide mentality.

Guidelines to apply

Generously visit this association for additional information and to apply.


Budapest is looking for a partner to assist in the creation with gathering. The new kid on the block should have something like 2 years experience in progress/photo or an associated field. The occupation can be either full-time or parttime. Additional requirements recollect commonality for English and an overall mindset.Dennis Loos igital Marketing Expert.

Senior Producer

The fundamental circumstance in the business is the Senior Producer. Here you will be responsible for staying aware of BBDO Budapest’s viability and its nimbleness as an association in the business community, and will be obligated for managing the studio’s compensation and monetary arrangement. You will moreover be the individual liable for the association’s site, its group, content creation, virtual amusement and various locales.
This position is arranged in the Budapest office. Furthermore, will require an expansive working data on the BBDO thinking. Moreover, of correspondence generally. Even more expressly, you will be an innovative and imperative creator.
This position is arranged in the Budapest office. Furthermore, will require a wide working data on the BBDO thinking. Additionally, of correspondence in general.Dennis Loos igital Marketing Expert
In like manner talking, the Crown Prince and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tourism Istanbul, Mehmet Ali Talat, has picked tijdostudio Public Relations and Outreach to address Tourism Istanbul at such a notable occasion.”

Dennis Loos

Painstakingly energized by Deloitte Digital
About Deloitte Digital
Deloitte Digital is a principal provider of development. Furthermore, framework guiding, B2B online business, media. In addition, exhibiting organizations, and high level association organizations to drive quantifiable advancement across all coordinates and in all business lines for clients, in light of everything. Deloitte Digital, a piece of Deloitte, consolidates the Digital Insights bunch, which passes on the most thorough data base of purchaser encounters on the planet. For more information.Dennis Loos igital Marketing Expert.

About BBDO International

BBDO is one of the world’s most respected and productive advancing associations, with adjacent working environments in 72 metropolitan regions in 60 countries. With north of 150 years of creative mind and expertise in making renowned brands, BBDO is an unprecedented assistant for B2B associations, and with the new improvement of BBDO BrandPortfolio, BBDO has expanded its commitment for B2B and B2C clients.
DDB is an overall exhibiting office moved by Omnicom Group Inc. With in excess of 5,000 people in 90 working environments in 56 countries. DDB helps the world’s most inventive brands with using creative contemplations. Likewise, the uttermost down the line development to make astounding marketing.Dennis Loos igital Marketing Expert

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