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All You Need to Know About Types of Electric Wires You can Use at Home

Today’s technology relies on power to function almost entirely. Additionally, because electric wires connect the majority of the parts, caution should be used when using these cables. There are many types of electric wires that you can use at home. There are several fundamental words, labeling, and coding you should be aware of before we get into the various types of electrical wiring. Choosing the electric wire for house wiring can be a little tricky, but this is why we are here for you. In this blog, we will discuss the basics and the types of electric wired you can use at home. Your journey to the hardware store will go a lot more smoothly if you comprehend these. 

What are the Basics of Electric Wires for Home?

Wire vs. Cable

You could assume that “cable” and “wire” are synonyms because they are used so frequently. However, they aren’t.

Any material that carries electricity qualifies as an electrical wire. They are each of the conductors inside the jacket. Either they’re insulated or they’re bare.

On the other hand, a flexible cable manufacturer is the union of two or more wires. These wires are connected using a single jacket during assembly.

Cable-Sheath Color Coding

Exterior sheathing for cables is color-coded. The color of a cable serves as a clue as to the size of the wires inside. The color coding also indicates the amperage of the wires.

The following is a list of the color, size, and amp that go with each:

Black. 8 or 6-gauge wire, 45 or 60 amp circuits Orange. 30-amp circuit, yellow 10-gauge wire. 12-gauge White wire, 20-amp circuit. 14-gauge wire, 15-amp circuit

Gray wires are underground feeder (UF) cables. All UF cables are gray. The wire gauge and the specifics of the circuit must be determined by examining the label on the cable sheath.

Wire Color Coding

Contrary to cable-sheath color coding, wire color coding is consistent across all conductors. For household electrical wiring, just a few colors are commonly offered:

  • White:

The neutral wire is this one. In order to complete a circuit, it must return the current to the panel.

  • Black/Red:

These heated wires are. By doing this, they move electrical energy from the panel to a gadget. It might be a switch, ceiling fan, outlet, or appliance.

  • Bare/Green:

This color scheme designates the ground wires. Use of a ground wire is required in the event of a ground fault. These wires give the current a path to return to your home’s breaker, blow a fuse, and turn off the energy.


Both wires and cables include labels that describe the size, composition, number of wires inside a cable, kind of insulation, and other distinct ratings. The labels are imprinted on the wire insulation or the outer sheathing of the cable.

It is crucial that the wire size you choose matches the amperage of the circuit. If they don’t match, there is a substantially higher chance of short circuits and fires.

Wire Size

But how do gauges and amperages work together?

The gauge of a wire is how we see how much current it can take with it. The safe amperage range of a wire is mostly governed by its current carrying capability.

For household electrical wiring, 12 or 14-gauge wire is typically used. For appliances, you’ll need 10, 8, or 6 gauge, though. Appliances like stoves, water heaters, dryers, and air conditioners employ these larger gauges due to their high amperage requirements.

Stranded Wire vs. Solid

When you need to push the wire through a conduit, solid wire is necessary. But if you need to draw a wire through a conduit, you might want to think about using stranded wire. Because it is more flexible, it is easier to maneuver into confined places and around curves.

House electrical wiring is the process of attaching numerous accessories to distribute electrical energy from the source to various home appliances and equipment, such as televisions, lamps, air conditioners, etc.

Let’s look at the many types of electrical wiring used in residential structures.

Cleat Wiring

PVC-insulated braided and compounded wires or standard VIR are used in this wiring. They are fastened to the walls and ceilings by grooved wooden, plastic, or porcelain cleats. Due to the fact that it is a temporary wiring system, it is not suitable for home settings. Furthermore, the cleat wiring configuration is no longer frequently used.

Batten Wiring

A single electrical wire or a collection of wires are put over a wooden batten in this situation. A brass clip is used to secure the wires to the batten, and they are spaced 10 cm apart for horizontal runs and 15 cm apart for vertical runs.

Casing and Capping Wiring

Even though the conduit and encased wiring system was originally quite well-liked, it is now seen as being outdated due to its widespread use. These electrical cables were constructed with insulated PVC, VIR, or other approved materials. The wires were carried by the wooden casing enclosures, which were made of a strip of wood with parallel grooves carved into it longitudinally.

Lead Sheathed Wiring

The conductors in lead sheathed wiring are VIR-insulated and have an outer sheath constructed of a lead and aluminum alloy with a lead content of around 95%. The metal sheath protects cables against air corrosion, moisture ingress, and abrasion.

Conduit Wiring

Conduit wiring is classified into two categories by pipe installation:

Surface Conduit Wiring

Surface conduit wiring is when GI or PVC conduits are installed on walls or roofs. The conduits are firmly fastened to the walls at regular intervals using a 2-hole strap and base clip. Electrical lines are arranged inside the conduits.

Conduit Wiring in a Covered

Conduit wiring that is concealed occurs when the conduits are tucked away into brick wall carvings or wall slots. Electrical lines are arranged inside the conduits. Because it is more attractive and durable, this is recommended.


  • It’s a safe wiring configuration.
  • Safe from chemistry, humidity, and further external factors.
  • Zero chance of shock.
  • It has a pleasing appearance.
  • There is no threat of fire, damaged cable insulation, or other deterioration.
  • Extremely reliable.
  • Because outdated wires are simply changed, renovations are straightforward.


  • Compared to surface conduit wiring, it is more expensive.
  • Moving switches or appliances is difficult.
  • Installation is challenging.
  • Electrical faults that are challenging to find.
  • The conduit will require difficult future enlargement.

More Help Understanding Your Electric Wire at Home

The electrical wiring in homes is complicated. However, being aware of its components will help you spot problems, rectify them, get ready for restorations, and keep your wiring up to code.

The first thing you should know about your home’s electrical wiring is the basics. You should be able to read cable or wire labels and comprehend how cable-sheath and wire color coding function. But you also need to know the difference between cables and wires, and whether to use stranded or solid wires.

Electrical fires can result from improperly installed or poorly maintained wiring, which is harmful. As a result, it’s crucial that you install electrical wiring and cables carefully. We hope that this blog post helped you with learning about the different types of electric wires. 

The electrical wiring in homes is confounded. Be that as it may, monitoring its parts will assist you with spotting issues, redressing them, preparing for rebuilding efforts, and keeping your wiring up to code.

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