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7-Reasons ‘Follow Your Dreams’ Is Good Advice

Sometimes life gets so overwhelming that you are forced to put your dreams on hold. When you have bills to pay and work overtime at the office, then following your dreams is a luxury you cannot seem to afford. Whatever you do is to keep you above the waters and all the excitement gets drained away from life.

You hate your work, but still you manage to punch in and out of work every day. Why? Often the reason we quit on our dreams is because we think they’re silly or unobtainable, and at other times, we make the mistake of investing too much in others’ opinions of our dreams.

Whether your dreams are big or small, chasing them can make you cheerful and excited about life again.

Here are a few reasons why you should pursue your dreams.

1- You Alone Can Make Your Dreams Come True

If not you, who is there that can pursue your dreams? Everyone dreams, but some are following theirs while others are not. No matter how anxiously you want to realize your dreams, they won’t turn real unless you put in the effort.

If your dream was to become a singer/vocalist, you have to put in the effort at practicing, recording, and putting your songs online for people to hear, and who knows maybe, a little ways down the road, a label might contact you for a deal. On the other hand, if you are an adult, with mouths to feed and work at a dead-end job, but you still want to pursue your music passion then enrolling in music classes for adults can be a step in the right direction that can eventually lead to a fulfilling music career.

2- Avoid Regret Later in Life

Regret is a terrible feeling. Not taking your dreams seriously, or repeatedly putting off your plans for when the opportunity is right in the distant future, will only lead to regret later. Failure is a better option than not even trying.

3- Prove the Belittlers Wrong

Once you decide to pursue your dreams, you will get unwanted attention from your haters as well as naysayers. They may tell you that your goals are impossible, or that you can’t achieve them, but if you make the mistake of listening to them, you will surrender your passions.

4- You Can Be an Inspiration to Many

When you start working on your dreams, your passion motivates other people to follow their dreams as well. Sometimes people need a little motivation, and you can be that person that they can look up to for inspiration. If you successfully achieve your dreams, then that will make you into a living example for all those who want to achieve the same level of success you did.

5- Your Life Will Become Interesting

Not all of us work at our dream jobs. Many of us toil at jobs that don’t align with our dreams. That’s alright if you too feel stuck in a situation like this. Remind yourself that it is temporary, just a way to pay the bills, meanwhile, you pursue the skills that will eventually land you your dream job. Even if working at an entry-level at your dream job doesn’t bring you enough money, you’ll feel the satisfaction in your heart that you’ve made the right decision. You will lead a more excited, adventurous, and enjoyable life working at a job you love.

6- You Can Earn More 

Because working on your dreams leaves you satisfied, you don’t mind the extra hours. You accept the grind with a smile on your face, put in the hours willingly, and after some time when you finally get the big payoff, all your past hustle will seem worth it. When you are this passionate about something, factors like time and money no longer matter when compared to the ultimate satisfaction that comes with only following your dreams to their fullest.

7- You Can Finally Live Happily and Peacefully

Whether big or small, temporary or permanent, short or long term, dreams can make us happy like nothing else. The happiness that comes with the realization of a long-cherished dream is out of this world. Research suggests that living purposefully, i.e., following dreams, goals, and passions, can have a positive impact on our lives. Things you enjoy doing lead to lower stress, tension, and anxiety and lead to positive gains in physical and mental health.


When you set out to pursue anything worthwhile, many people will distract you from pursuing it, telling you that your dreams are unobtainable and unrealistic. If you cherish your dreams, you will listen to your own intuition instead of putting stock in other people’s opinion. The key ingredients to realizing your dreams are effort, consistency, patience, time, and sheer will and dedication.

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