6 Website Designs that Impact Conversion Rates

Impactful web design is the well-wisher of increased conversion rates. Undoubtedly, every business website wants conversion rates on the upsurge. Although it is a challenging task, the right web design can be the savior and bless the website with better conversion rates. Even if your website has an on-point SEO and still it doesn’t upsurge, it lacks Vitamin O(ptimization).
A majority of blog posts, articles, podcasts, infographics etc., keep harping on the necessity of SEO optimization, social media marketing, the inclusion of AI, and whatnot. Although these factors are essential for the growth of the website, you cannot compromise with the web structure of a website. Hence, every web design company in India focuses on developing a website that has a pleasing design.
According to a survey conducted recently, 46% of people determine the credibility of a website by judging its design. So, it is mandatory for the business website to look pleasing to the eyes. Just remember that we humans give preference to visuals. When a website has sufficient visual aid & design features, it automatically becomes actionable in the visitor’s mind. After all, the whole purpose of an attractive web design is to convert visitors into clients. No conversion means no business.
Hence, we’ve compiled some necessary web design practices after brainstorming and analyzing so much. Implementing these practices will surely ooze the success juice for the website. You just need to spend 15 minutes daily to witness the magic. Drive in!
- The Color-Contrast Experiment
“He who fears change, cannot prosper.” This was quoted by someone you don’t know (even we don’t). In the world of web design in India, change is the key to consistency. Without doing experiments, a web designer will never understand the right color scheme. Never stick to a color scheme glorified in a decade-old blog post. Trends change and people shift their preferences quite fast. Around 7% of the increased bounce rates happen due to a lethargic color scheme. Since web design is the USP, it should standout its competitors, and resonates with the message. Baskin Robbins, McDonald’s, Burger King, Sprite, and major food chain brands like these are some examples that experimented with the color scheme that became iconic.
- Negative Space- The New Design Trend
If you think that leaving negative space in the web design isn’t right, think again. Website designing mavens openly support the wise use of negative space. The aim for inclusion of the white space is to draw focus on the subject. Believe it or not, but negative space in the design cuts through the noise and keeps the web content concise. And, the conciseness of the content drives increased conversion rates. Today, there’s no single name but umpteen who are following the negative space web design trend. The negative space should be utilized rightly as follows:
- Break up large blocks of text into smaller paragraphs to increase the negative space in between them and make your blog posts more readable.
- Add white space in between the larger elements on your site (sidebar, header, body, footer, etc.) using ample margins and padding.
- The smaller your font is, the more space you need in between letters.
- Your line-height (defines the space above and below lines of text) should be approximately 150% of the font size for body copy.
- Real Faces Boost Human Touch
Absolutely! The inclusion of human faces boosts the closeness that a person feels with the brand. As per a study, around 73% are likely to be made when the brand is providing a personalized touch. It can be done by adding appropriate human images that appeal to the eyes. Just don’t compromise with image quality and expressions of people in the image. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words! Maximize the use of impactful images instead of using vibrant ones. And here’s a professional tip- Get a photoshoot done of workplace employees rather than using those boring photographs scattered across the internet. It will surely boost the conversion rate.
- Website Speed Optimization
You should never test a visitor’s patience. A sizable number of annoyed visitors can negatively impact the website conversion rates. It also triggers the bounce rate and in return, drags down the website rankings. Most of the website designers conceive a website according to the existing trends. However, it is not entirely true. Web designers often include HQ imagery, graphics, audio, and auto-play features. These are sufficient to slow down the website speed. Getting rid of this is quite simple, in case you don’t know, here’s how.
- De-clutter unwanted graphics
- Reduce HTTP requests
- Optimize images & compress videos
- The 8-Second Rule
If you have a website, you must be familiar with the 8-second rule. There’s no denying that online visitors have a short memory. In such cases, you need to shift the focus on the 8-second rule. It is the key to increase conversion rates smoothly. Add impactful images, effective content, and the right color scheme are the three mightiest pillars for a laudable website design. Online shoppers remember a website, not for its vibrancy but credibility. The three pillars mentioned here are key ingredients for the effective 8-second rule. Once you understand the pattern, you will surely spin conversions frequently.
- Conciseness Is Appreciated
Drafting long paragraphs isn’t a crime but people overlook too many briefings. What could be the possible solution then? It’s simple, just bifurcate the long paragraphs wherever suitable. Just remember to commence a new paragraph with fresh information. By doing this, you’ll be able to de-clutter the unwanted information or fillers and get more space for incorporating the CTA button aptly.
Summarizing Up Everything
And everything you scrolled past is a proven concept by mavens of the industry! Although no website is perfect, it can be made flawless by following the right strategies. On logical grounds, effective changes are not visible in the blink of an eye but, it is assured that they are scalable and benefit the website. Since online business is goal-oriented, implementing these practices will surely upsurge the success graph.