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13 Types Of Hearts In The Quran And Learning Quran online UK

Learning Quran online UK While the human brain and hands are constantly striving for efficient results, the problem of our hearts is slightly different. It is well known that our hearts seek peace and happiness.

In the Quran, the word ‘Qalb’ is used as a general term for the heart. According to Quran research, Almighty God has mentioned 13 hearts in the Learning Quran online UK, which means that there are 13 types of people, determined by the strength of their Islamic faith. As Prophet Muhammad has said.

“Allah does not look at your faces and your wealth, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.

Your hearts and your deeds”.

Let’s see what Allah has decreed for these people.


1. Qalb-e-Salim

The first heart in the sight of Allah is Qalib-e-Salim.These are the people who have been purified from disbelief, hypocrisy and defilement. They are also protected from them. Allah loves and cherishes these hearts.

(Surat al-Shu’ara’, verse 89).

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2. Qalb-e-Muneeb    

These are the people who constantly repent to Allah and are busy obeying Him. There are many people in life who have gone astray in their obedience to Allah. Time calls for repentance. Allah loves these people too.

(Surah Q, verse 33)

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3. Qalb-e-Makhbat

These people are humble, content and peaceful.

“He who bows before Allah, Allah will exalt him.”

(Surat al-Hajj, verse 54)

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4. Qalb-e-Wajal

These people fear whether Allah will approve of our good deeds after they are done. These people are also afraid of Allah’s torture at every moment. They know that Allah has also punished His prophets for their mistakes.

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5. Qalb-e-Ta’qqi

These people respect the rituals of Allah. They do not eat or drink in the presence of fasting people, even if they cannot worship under any compulsion, and they remain silent during prayers and adhan.

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These people are pleased with Allah’s decisions and accept them with joy. Allah also likes these people. Such people never have anything to lose in life. Allah brings them good from within evil.


These people attain peace in the remembrance of Allah. They also remember Allah day and night. If you also want to avoid sorrow and grief, start reciting Tasbeeh.Your heart will be filled with contentment and happiness.


These people hear the fate of those who disobey Allah and learn from them. The spreading of evil, polytheism, disbelief and arrogance, and the preaching of evil will be erased from their lives. In the sight of Allah they are humble, and Allah loves them.


They are the victims of doubt, hypocrisy, immorality, debauchery and greed. Allah considers these people and their hearts sick. Those who suffer from these diseases live miserable lives.


These people neither see nor hear. These are insensitive people. Allah called them blind and deaf and told the believers to greet them and then move on.


This is the heart that is indifferent to the Qur’an and is immersed in the colours of the world.


These people hide the truth and conceal their testimony. You read history. You will see the destruction of those communities and people who concealed their testimony and hid the truth.


The third and last type of heart is arrogant. These people are arrogant and rebellious and make their religion arrogant, so they become victims of oppression and aggression.

Put these 13 hearts in front of you and feel your heart. If you have a bad heart, repent and return to a good heart. Allah will open the door of His mercy to you Learning Quran online UK.

Making the most of Quran time in the quarantine area


Dear brothers and sisters, may you and your loved ones be safe and healthy!

We have heard enough of the word “quarantine” these days. Now is the time to change it to “Qur’an time”. Quran recitation is something you should think about the next time you hear about quarantine. Everything from local bans to national and global blockades are fast approaching us all, leaving us sitting at home doing things many of us have long put off. Studying the Koran is one of them!


Our relationship with the Qur’an has weakened over time, while we have made progress in other areas of life. When we reflect on this, we realise that we put a lot of effort into doing things like learning languages, preparing complicated recipes, meeting unrealistic deadlines, etc., but the only task that remains untouched or unfinished is the study of the Qur’an. One excuse or another takes over our minds and we lose ourselves in the storms of life.

We always tell ourselves that if you think of the Qur’an in the midst of your busy schedule, one day you will find time to study it thoroughly. Imagine that God has now made time for us! He has removed all the barriers between you and the Holy Book. No longer will there be long hours of work that tire you and prevent you from reading the Qur’an. There is no doubt that this is not an isolated period, but a Qur’an time. Since you are at home with all your family members, you now have all the time to raise your children.

All the distractions

Noises and activities that made you long for Qur’an time are gone and Qur’an time has arrived. God has made special arrangements to give you dedicated Qur’an time – not isolation.

This blessed book will remove the depression and worries that occupy the minds of the unbelievers. Most people are in isolation under constant mental stress and have nothing to relieve their worries. But for you, the Holy Book is with you in this amazing global pandemic.

– Social media and mainstream media are constantly creating fear among the people, so it is important for each one of us to stop watching them and turn our attention to reading and understanding the Quran, which will bring peace and comfort to your troubled hearts and minds.

How to spend the first ten days of Muharram

How great is God’s blessing upon us! He is so merciful that He listens to our hearts. He is so merciful that He listens to your prayers and forgives you even when you are on your deathbed. But do we have to wait until then to receive his favor? Do we have to keep our souls unfed until then and go after the fleeting events of life that threaten to destroy us later in life?

How long shall we take His goodness for granted and not feel indebted? In spite of the fact that “if you give thanks, I will add to you” (Soorat Ibraaheem, 14:7), which is Allah’s promise, how long do we allow ourselves to suffer harm?

His mercy knows no bounds. Allah has made certain months and certain days better than others. He has even made certain days and nights better than others. At those times, the reward for doing good deeds increases.

He raises the reward for good deeds and virtuous beliefs at certain times of the year so that we can earn His grace with the least effort. One of His blessings in seeking Muslims is the first 10 days of Dhuhr Hajj.

Although this fact is not known among the believers today, its authenticity can be attested by Bukhari Shareef: Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) reported that the Prophet (may Allah bless him) said.

(PBUH (PBUH), ‘Allah, his blessed (PBUH) be pleased with him, said: ‘There are no days dearer to Allah than these ten days of righteousness.

The people asked.

Not even jihad in the name of Allah?

He said.

Even jihad in the name of Allah is not permissible unless a person goes to fight and gives himself and his wealth for a cause but does not come back with nothing.

(Bukhari Report, 2/457).

This opportunity to gain Allah’s favour is the same for the rich as for the poor. While the rich can afford to perform Hajj and become as pure as a newborn baby, God does not want the poor to continue to be deprived of His mercy. So, that is how it is done.

Fasting especially on the ‘Day of Arafah’.

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. said

Whoever fasts for one day for the pleasure of Allah, Allah will keep him away (from Hellfire) for seventy years (the length of the journey).

(Bukhari, Muslim)

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. fasted on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah and he said.

He said: “Fasting on the day of Arafah (the ninth day) is atonement for all the sins of the previous year and atonement for all the sins of the coming year Online Quran Tutor.

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